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You wake up because 5 dumb guys decided to jump on the bed next to you. No need to say you're in an awful mood. You start to hit the boys for revenge but all it does is make them laugh harder. Suddenly, you hear a big noise.

- Outch, my head! Bill shouts

- Hahaha, your brain is already poorly working. You need to take care of your last 2 brain cells, Tom mocks him before banging his head too.

This little scene makes you laugh too. This is karma for waking you up.



- So, what are we going to do?

- I was thinking of going to the pool? There is not enough snow to go skiing today. You reply

- Yes, why not. Georg says visibly not thrilled by the idea.

- You have a better idea perhaps? You attack him

- No, you're the local after all.

You make sure everybody agrees with it and start to pack your swimsuit. Gustav is cooking something and it smells like something is burning. You sigh, understanding you'll be in charge of the food for the remaining days.



- Wow, this place is so cool! Georg excitedly says

- I know, right?

The retirement resort is almost empty. As it's Christmas time, you guess all the grannies and grandpas are home with their family. Or maybe winter is just not a good time to retire?

You're in front of the map of the complex, trying to decide where you want to go, in case someone doesn't want to go to the pool anymore. After seeing the map and understanding pool comes with a hot tube, bubbles spa, and giant slides, there was no doubt anymore.

- Meet you in the showers! You say before heading to the women's locker room.

You brought 2 swimsuits; you can't decide which one would be better. One is definitely sexier and makes you feel like a goddess and the other one is a gorgeous one-piece suit, super handy to swim with great boob support. As you're not here to hit on anyone and you know you're going to use the slides a thousand times, you finally balance for the one-piece suit.

- We almost had to wait for you, Gustav says, insisting on the almost.

- Oh no, look! This is not her! This is a granny in a younger body, Tom adds.

- What are you talking about? First, I was pretty quick, and second, what??? You say, kind of offended.

- Only a granny would wear a one-piece suit to the pool. Tom replies

You not-so-gently hit his head as a response.

- Ouch! Still hurts from the beam!

- Your fault, you stick your tongue out.

You take the time to look at the boys. Tom is definitely the most muscular, but Gustav's arms are really not far. Bill is much thinner than the rest of the group and you notice Georg looks like he is working out. You take another look at Tom. After all, you have eyes. He checked you out at his birthday party, why couldn't you check him out today? He sees that you're fixing him and smirks. You head to the pool. Only a small group of people are in it. You're so glad the place is calm; you can do whatever you want and no one will complain!

You rush to the ladder of the pool and right when you take your first step, someone pushes you inside the water.

- You asshole! You scream to all the boys, laughing out loud.

The group in the pool gives you a look, but you don't care. As a vengeance for the boys, you push your arms in the water to create a huge splash and water them.

- You're so going to pay for this, Bill exclaims before jumping into the water to drown you.

You laugh and swim as fast as you can to escape him.



You've been playing in the water for almost 2 hours now. The group of elderly left and you have the pool all for yourself now. You are making a contest for the best jump according to the pose, how big the splash is, and how high it was. Georg is winning all hands up.

- I'm starting to feel hungry, Bill states.

- Yes, me too, Gustav and Georg answer in one voice.

- Oh! I'd like to swim a little bit more but I don't mind being alone, you say, go get something, you smile at them.

- I'll stay with you, Tom adds.

You look at him. You kind of wished you would be alone. You wanted to swim peacefully, like correctly swim. Bill, Georg, and Gustav leave the pool to go to the resort restaurant.

You start swimming the breaststroke and can feel Tom following you on your right. You don't speak at all, just calmly swim.

- You know what? My favourite thing as a kid was pretending I was a mermaid. You say out of nowhere, feeling like you had to break the silence.

- You know what? I already knew that! He laughs

- How? You're surprised.

- You always talked about mermaids in kindergarten. It just seems obvious to me now; he says smiling at you.

- Oh my god, you laugh and hide yourself under the water.

You feel Tom taking you up to the surface after 41 seconds. You counted. You wanted to know if you would break your personal record today.

- Wanna play mermaids? He offers.

- Are you kidding me? We are not 8 anymore, you chuckle.

- No, no, I'm serious, he looks into your eyes. I used to make fun of you because of it, so I'd like to know what it feels like to be a mermaid now.

- Gosh, you're weird. You send him a tiny splash on the face and start to swim.

- Don't swim like this! Swim like Ariel! He shouts across the pool.

You laugh at him and you don't know why but you feel like playing mermaids with him right now.

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