3⭐ Surreal Pt. 2

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*thinking* Well, that was hella awkward, and super basic, but at least I planted the idea in his head, maybe? If we're going in age order, then next would be...

*Anichi looks at the screen with eyes and mouth opened wide, frozen in place*

Felix majestically appeared on the screen with deep blue hair, a beautiful smile, and Anichi

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Felix majestically appeared on the screen with deep blue hair, a beautiful smile, and Anichi.exe experiences a fatal crash, blinking uncontrollably, and smiling their goofiest smile ever.

The sweet boy smiles at his adoring fan, saying hello, and how he loves their makeup and outfit, and asking how Ani's doing, if they've eaten today... "Isn't it late in the U.S.? Have you gotten enough sleep?" with his beautiful Aussie accent.

Anichi.exe reboots, shaking their head and saying hello, answering his questions. Then, he flashes that heart-melting smile again, and Ani begins to thank him for existing, for his talent, highlighting his precise, but smooth dancing style and beautiful head singing voice, and for blowing up their notifications on Bubble, making them feel like someone was always thinking about them. They made it a point to let him know that someone was always thinking about HIM, and thanking God for him! Felix puts his hands together like in a prayer, and bows his head with gratitude.

Lastly, like the good Puerto Rican they are, Anichi makes sure to let Felix know that it's okay to season his chicken breast, and asks if he's heard of adobo seasoning, recommending they use that, instead of only Sriracha sauce. They laugh, the timer beeps once more; they wave and say goodbye, making finger hearts at each other.

*thinking* Omg. He's gonna be the death of me. How can he be so sweet, kind, beautiful and handsome all at the same time? OMG. Han should be ne-

Oh, HI. Han!!

"Hello, Anichi. That's a pretty name! I love your hair!" He said with his adorable Aussie/British accent. Ani thanks him for the compliment, fanning herself as she's clearly flustered, tears in her eyes.

*thinks* These sunshine twins want me to perish!

Ani begins thanking Han for the singing voice messages on Bubble, and for the great diction on his voice notes that serve as good Korean listening practice. They mention the Stay/Han composed song he did, and both agree that it would make a great addition to the SKZ Replay playlist on YouTube.

Anichi does not neglect to remind Han of how important he is to this world, and how his talent contributes to making this world a better place, making it a point to focus on his singing, rapping, composing and producing abilities.

"Bro, I can barely sing and clap at the same time, much less do all you do. You're a gift from God!! Never forget that!*

Jisung thanks Ani with a humble smile, slightly blushing at the rain of compliments, saying goodbye and "I love you" with an over-the-head heart, as the screen goes dark once more.

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