14 🏴‍☠️ Pestilence

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Content warning: childhood trauma, narcissism and dating violence.


She was 5 years old. Her older brother had gotten a "no" from their parents, and he'd lost it.

He got so angry he punched a hole in her door. Not on purpose, he just happened to be in front of her door.

Everyone always had to tiptoe around him, to not set him off.

She adored her big brother, but she was also very afraid of him. He was 10 yrs older than her.

Her dad always helped her with homework and played board games with her,, took her to the movies and to boy band concerts.

He was a very loving dad, especially when he came home from drinking with his buddies. He wasn't abusive, just would come give her a hug and tell her how much he loved her, which would have been fine, had he not reeked of alcohol, and had it not been at 3:00 am on a school night.

At around 12, she begged for a door lock, her mom got her one, she finally could sleep.

Her life consisted of angry screaming, laughter, games, movies, music... lots of music, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. Shuffle the playlist and press on repeat... that was her life. It wasn't worse than many, but she wished it were better.

Then, it became time to date... for the most part, the guys she'd dated were very nice to her, they just weren't a great fit. That's the point of dating, anyways, to find your fit.

All was well, until she met Angel Saul Kilpatrick. At first, his name fit him like a glove. He seemed dream-like... he wasn't.

Once Ani had fallen for him, he began slowly isolating her from family in subtle ways, degrading her in little jokes about her.

Her family was toxic like that, so she didn't even notice he'd picked up all their quirks and used them to his advantage.

Eventually, she found herself tiptoeing around him the same way she'd tiptoe around her older brother.

A narcissist, Angel would lose his cool at the drop of a hat, especially if she happened to be looking at anyone that wasn't him. He never hit her, but he didn't have to. He'd yell, hit and throw objects as a reminder of what he could be doing to her.

One day, in one if his anger fits, she had a panic attack that caused her to faint, and to be taken to the hospital.

At the emergency room, he continued his tirade because now he'd be late to an appointment, all because she couldn't "handle him"... a fellow nurse named Andréa got security, kicked his ass out of of the ER room, and made sure he'd be banned from ever entering again.

From that day on, Andréa never let Ani's side. They became best friends.

She had helped her see her worth, seek help, and be on the road to recovery, without Angel.

That was until Andréa went to work with Doctors without Borders, a long-time dream of hers. She was gone for two years. She had only been back for a few days before the video call.

A few weeks ago, however, somehow Angel had found a way into Ani's workplace. She was now teaching nursing at the local college.

He caused a scene, and for the first time, pushed Anichi against a wall, knocking her phone off her hand, breaking it.

With the help of witnesses who called police, he had been finally taken into custody and charged with harassment, stalking, violating a restraining order, and assault.

The damage was done, though. Ani had a relapse and had to go to the hospital, then had to save up to fix her phone...

"And here we are!" She said.

And just to make sure,
he is in jail, yeah?

Well, yeah. He took a plea deal.
He pleaded guilty for a
reduced sentence of 1.5 years.

And he's in which prison?

He's in the Tarrant County Jail.

Hmm... He won't ever
bother you again.

I hope not.

He won't. I promise.

She didn't know what he meant, but he sounded so sure, she believed him.

He may be younger than her, but all he's lived clearly has given him a gravitas beyond his years.

And today? The tears? He asked.

Today, the relief of having yet another person on her side, who'd do what he did for her...

I guess I finally released all of that pestilence for once and for all, and replaced it with pure joy. I feel so clean, if that makes sense. You and Andréa always arrive at the right time. Thank you, so much!!

She once again put her head on his shoulder, this time wrapping her arms around his waist, squeezing him into a grateful hug.

Aww, sweet girl...
I'm just so glad
I trusted my instincts
and came out here.

I'm going to be selfish for once and agree with you. I'm glad, too.
You keep helping me. I want to do as much for you as you've done for me.

Well, about that...


I'm kind of homeless right now...
care to help an idol in need?

Aww, damn... see,
I don't know about that, bro...


Haha! Kidding! Of course!

There's only one issue...

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