23 ⭐ A New Normal

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Babe... You need to go, or you'll miss your flight. I'll be fine! You'll be fine. We'll be fine.

She says this as his head is buried on her clavicle, as he holds her so tight she can barely breathe.

But, I miss you already,
my Ani Bobani.

Same here, my Channie Bobani, but you have responsibilities. Let's just use this time to get to know each other even better, and test ourselves. This happened really fast, so it'll be a good slow-down. 'No need to be desperate. We're just getting started. Patience, babe!'

I know, you're right.
Bye, sweet girl!
I love you!

Bye, sweet boy!
I love you more!


With a kiss, he walked away, bag on his shoulder... looking back until he couldn't anymore. He didn't let her notice, but his heart was broken.

She didn't let him know, but hers was as well.


No more layovers. Chan was gone for good. They'd need to figure out life, but for now, they were relieved to have no regrets. They loved each other, and that was what mattered.

Now with Chan back in Korea, he and Ani went back to their routine of calling, video chatting, and singing each other to sleep.

One difference however, was that when they said "I love you" it was a different kind of love; hearts shot from both their eyes, and sugar from their lips. They were falling deeper and deeper in love with each other as the days passed by.

The kids were amused at this new Chan hyung!

Chan on the phone:

I love you more... no I do... No I do... No YOU hang up... no you..."

Lee Know would pass by gagging and sometimes hanging up the phone for him.

Hyunjin would just make disgusted faces at him, and then ask to talk to his nuna!

I.N. would just leave the room.

Han would just sit next to him and parrot everything Chan said, and blow kisses.

Seungmin would just laugh and look around the room in disbelief as if asking "are y'all hearing this!?"

Changbin would sit near him, and start singing romantic songs as background music.

Felix would just stare at his "big brotha" with shiny eyes and a loving smile, so happy to see his hyung so in love.

Eventually, they all got used to this new Chan, and were all really happy for their friend, because he had never been happier.

On a private note, nother major difference was that they now enjoyed exploring their erotic preferences. This was tricky as they were 14 hours away from each other, and times where they were both alone was hard to come by, but they made it work. Their relationship was not based on sex, anyways, so they were both patient on that front.

With that said, it was becoming obvious to both of them that the more they talked, the more sexually compatible they seemed to be, and neither would complain about that.

They missed each other greatly, but they were used to the phone calls, texts and video calls. It helped them really get to know each other and deepen their relationship. They talked about anything and everything. They read books, watched the news together, sports, TV shows, and even adult videos clips of ideas and fantasies they could try in the future.

Time passed... and it was now winter. End of the year shows were over, and Stray Kids would get a break before their next comeback in February.

Their half anniversary mark was approaching, and they both decided to do something special.

Their half anniversary mark was approaching, and they both decided to do something special

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