6⭐ Connected, Pt. 4

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Chan rewrote the message several times over, until the cringe level wasn'tso high.

He talked and typed at the same time, word by word...

Hey, Ani Kimani. It's Channie - hey, that rhymes! Hehe!

Thank you for today. I didn't want to leave you thinking I wasn't serious. I'll contact you as soon as possible. It won't be longer than 2 hours. Cheers!

Chan pressed send, and forgot to breathe in the seconds it took for the notifications to go from sending, to delivered, to read, then the little animated dots indicating the other person was writing a text message.

Thankfully, Ani immediately replied.

<message from Ani Kimani>

"Thank you. I never doubted you. You're a man of jutdae! 🤌🏾" A reference to Changbin's Samsung commercial.

Chan marvels at the reply. Oh, wow!

*Types* No! Not you, too!!

<message from Ani Kimani>

Deal with it, brothaaaa!

*thinks* Oh, gosh! Who. Is. This?

*types* Oi, I feel we're gonna become really good friends.

<message from Ani Kimani>

I hope so. I loved talking with you. It's amazing how easy it was to have a conversation with you. You're my style of person!

*Chan out loud* Ani Kimani, you're killing me.

*types* You're mine. *sends*

*Chan out loud* Nooooo! I just sent that? Chris!!!!

*types* Sorry... that was sent prematurely. You're mine, too. My kind of person, I mean.

<message from Ani Kimani>

I understood, the first time. 걱정 마 친구야 [don't worry, my friend]

*Chan thinks to himself*

Jesus, Christopher! What are you doing? Focus! They're gonna get creeped out, and block you! You always come on too strong. Chill! 


Chan has no chill, but we know this about him. Always wearing his heart on his sleeve.

Does anyone have any idea of what can happen next?

What would you like to see in the future? Does anyone want Minsung or Hyunlix content?
Let me know! 😘

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