13 ⭐ Succor

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*In one breath* So, I didn't know if you were okay or not, and knowing we'd be in the US soon, I asked for a few days off, so I could try and find you. Then you messaged me, and so I tried finding a hotel room, but there's some sort of convention going on, and all hotels were booked until tomorrow,  and I made reservations, but… so… yeah… turns out I have nowhere to sleep tonight.  

He looked at her with a Lucille Ball type "I'm innocent" toothy smile. 

She couldn't believe what she'd just heard

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She couldn't believe what she'd just heard. He'd flown across the planet to check on her!?? 

Only Andréa had ever had her back like this. How did she get so lucky? She always knew he was her people, but this takes the cake. 

She didn't realize she had tuned out until Chan came up to her and snapped his fingers in front of her to get her to react… 

"Earth to Ani! You good?"

You… (now with teary eyes) you did that for me?

Of course!


*thinks* because I love you, so fucking much!

*actually says* Because you're my friend, I couldn't get a hold of you, and you were in trouble, and I'm not a very patient person when one of my people is in trouble. 

She began crying… crying like she hadn't cried in such a long time.

Even during her panic episodes, tears were not involved. She couldn’t cry. She did today. She cried like someone had died. She felt her legs weaken, so she leaned her back against the wall, and slid herself to the floor. 

Chan didn't understand, but he didn't have to. He just sat down next to her, he held and rocked her, caressing her hair, telling her "it's okay, I'm here, I'm not leaving you" (which caused her to cry even harder!). He got her water, tissues, and continued to hold her tight until she stopped crying. 

15 minutes had passed, and Chan did not say a single word. He just waited for her cues. When she started breathing normally, with her head on his shoulder, he asked her if she felt comfortable talking about it. 

She nodded, and began telling him everything. 

Chan by ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now