3⭐ Surreal Pt. 3

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*thinking* Wow, this is overwhelming, and it has only been the maknae line! Whew!! Lord help me with this one...

Hyunjin Ssi!!!! Ani says with a smile. Him waving hello, and blowing her one of his chu-chu kisses. Ani does not skip a beat...

Hyunjin, you are the reason I started making TikToks. Your fire sword Mama performance was one of my first videos, and then I edited one with clips of you turning, because my darling, your turns are majestic!!!

He nods, saying thank you, and that he didn't think anyone had ever mentioned his turns to him, so he appreciated that.

They talked a little about staying grounded and knowing one's worth, even when the whole world is throwing fire granades at us.

Anichi once again, did not forget to express how Hyunjin's existence was imperative to the survival of humanity.

His songs, his dancing, his art, his HEART were all an intrinsic part of Stayville's consciousness, and therefore, Stays would never be the same without him. The world wouldn't be the same without him!!

Teary-eyed, he thanked those lovely words and blew more kisses at Anichi, showing finger hearts, cheek hearts, over-the-head hearts, and saying how his nuna was so beautiful!

They waved goodbye, as their time was up, and both sighed and pouted that it was over.

Understanding the order in which the members were being presented to them, Ani took a deep breath and said a little prayer.

Ay, Padre Santo, Jesucristo, the upper hyung line is next. I don't think I'm ready for this man...

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