12⭐ Dropping Anchor, pt. 2

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They both stood at each side of the door threshold, looking at each other in complete smiley silence. Both amazed that this was finally happening. 

Once the shock wore off a little bit, Anichi pulled Chan into her apartment, looking out the door, making sure no one followed him. 

Damn, Channie! Someone could see you!

Sit your ass down at that table, while I heat you something.

Chan rolls his eyes. 

Literally nobody knows I'm here. Do you see my outfit, and did you see the pictures I posted on Bubble of me at the 7-11 thirty minutes ago? Also, I did ask you to make me some of what you were cooking. Hehe! 

He said that as he was putting his bag down, and lowering himself into the dining chair. 

I did!!

He straightened himself quickly, shooting a straight dagger at her with his eyes. 

What do you mean, you did? 

I always cook your portion, Chan. I use it for lunch the next day, but I always cook for two now, thinking of you. It's my symbolic way of caring for you, hoping you're eating well, while also caring for myself like you encourage us to do. 
Added bonus, I save tons of money I'd normally spend on takeout! Haha!!

God, he wanted to kiss her right there and then!! Instead, he went up to her and asked if he could hug her, taking her by surprise, but she opened her arms real big, melting into his hug, and holding him tight. 

As they hugged, he said in his typically cute whisper voice "Hi!" She sniffled and said "hi" back. She was crying. 

Upon hearing her, he breaks the embrace, her arms still at his waist, and he takes her face in his hands, wiping her tears with his thumbs… 

Aww, hey,, her, hey... Why are you crying, my Ani-Kimani Bobani? 

I just hugged you for the first time. Finally hugged you. I'm so happy. Come'ere! She wraps him into another sobby hug. 

They stayed there, hugging for what seemed like hours, every once in a while breaking the hug long enough to look into each other's eyes, trying to confirm if this was real or a dream. 

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