7⭐Beginnings Pt. 4

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As they were eating, they had decided they'd take turns playing music for each other, which made Anichi super happy to be doing a sort of "Ani's Room" (애니의 방[Aniui bang]) for the one who'd been comforting her for so long.

Suddenly, Anichi exclaimed loudly, making Chris jump, almost choking on his food...

YA!!! 잠깐만요 [wait!] Isn't it like midnight in Seoul right now? What are you doing, just now getting to dinner, Christopher!!?

Chris giggled and defended himself.

I know, I know! I had a late lunch, so late dinner it is. Besides, I don't even go to sleep until in 3 or 4 in the morning anyways. It's fine! I'm happy to see you eating so well, though. Don't be like me! Hehehe!

Ani was not amused.

Not funny! Chan, listen. You love Stay, right?

Of course, I do!

If you love us, then you must take care of yourself.

That is the best way you can love us, by loving yourself first!

Take today for example. Although you canceled Channie's Room, look at where you are, in your studio. You just substituted one work thing for another work thing.

No, no... I'm not working right now.

I am at dinner with a friend.

At *clap* your *clap* studio! *clap*

Next time, you better be at home!

In fact, could you do something for me, real quick?

You're not gonna ask me to go home right now, are you?

No, silly. Could you please go sit on the sofa?

I can hear you just fine from there, but at least you're not sitting on that dang desk chair.                Your butt must be so numb! Please?

How could Chan resist those eyes and those eyelashes that went on for days, framing her eyes with such concern?

Okay, I can do that.

Yay!  Ani celebrates with child-like enthusiasm.

As he stands up, he immediately turns his back to Ani, pillow always held in place with one hand, placing his plate on one side of the sofa with the other hand.

He then, places the pillow on the sofa, and takes off the hoodie, revealing his signature tank top shirt which highlights his arms.  

It's so hot here now. I think the building's A/C went into energy saving mode.

Anichi couldn't help but stare, and if she had to be honest, she even blushed a little. Thankfully, she was saved by the melanin- it went undetected!

She did not pass up the opportunity, however, to gas Chris up.

Dang, bestay!!! Looking good, woot, woot!! Look at those guns!! Pew, pew!! She said making finger guns at him.

Channie giggled and blushed, sitting down, immediately putting the pillow on his lap at the same time, and placing his plate on top of it. It was all one dance-like fluid motion.

Chan started on one of his self-deprecating tirades, rejecting the compliments, and Ani stopped him dead in his tracks.

No, no, no, no, no... see, what we're NOT gonna to do in my presence, is put ourselves down.

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