14 ⭐ Chasm pt 3

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When Chris got out of the shower, he looked exactly like you expect him to. Curly wet hair, sweet eyes and a shy expression on his face.

Ani, the Stay, had a momentary fangirl moment, remembering this is Stray Kids' Bang Chan.

Damn, son!!!
If Stay could see you now!
I am such a successful Stay!!

Chan blushes and starts to protest only to find Ani's finger on his lips...

Ah, ah, ah!!!
What's the rule????

Chan rolls his eyes, grabs her hand, and repeats like a kid made to recite the pledge every day...

"accept the compliments,
and no self-put downs
in front of Anichi!"

Good boy!!!

He absent-mindedly kissed her hand.

They both stopped.

Chan was kicking himself thinking he was exposing himself.

Anichi tilted her head and just said "you're so mushy, and I love it!!!"

Then, she grabed HIS hand and kissed it.

The internal implosion happening inside Chan's mind can not be put into words.

I have a very important question.
Do you want to go straight to sleep or
do you want to watch one of our Netflix watchlist titles?

Netflix, please!

Cool! Popcorn?


He clapped excitedly.

I was hoping you'd say that.
It's only 8pm, anyway,
and tomorrow is my day off! Whoo!

Go through the list while I make the poppy corn, and chose whatever you want to watch. Kay?


Oh, and I made your side of the bed, I chose the right side for myself, but I don't care, so if you wanna switch, that's fine.

Left side's perfect, sweet girl!
Thank you!

I'll go make popcorn.

From the kitchen, she continues to talk to him...

So, how long did it take you to get here anyways?

14 hours.

That's a lot! And you said you have a hotel for tomorrow?


Which one?

He tells her the name, and she again suddenly remembers he's a VIP to the outside world.

Oooh! Fanshy-smanshy!!

When do you leave?

In 3 days.
I fly to NY on the 14th,
so for three days 🎵I'm yours🎵.

Wow. You remembered! [He said/sang the same during their first VC.]

Yeah, hehe.

Have you found what to watch?


Cool! Popcorn's ready!
Water, Pepsi Zero or orange juice?
That's the menu. Tomorrow's my grocery day. *grins*

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