9 ⭐ Friends Pt. 2

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The next morning, Chan woke up with the phone by his side, connected to the charger, one earbud in, one out. He looked at the time, and it was...

Twelve Thirty!??? Oh my gosh! I can't believe I slept so well. I feel so good!

Chan opens Bubble and texts Stay.

"Good morning! I zonked out last night. Slept over 8 hours. I feel so good! I wonder what made me so relaxed! I must figure it out and repeat it!"

As he saw the parade of responses, one caught his eye. "Maybe it was Anichi singing to you!"

He'd forgotten she was on Bubble.

He immediately responded. "I think I just figured it out. It was a song Stay recommended, in Spanish. "Hang on, let me find it... "

He puts in the YouTube link and recommends the lullaby to Stay.

He texted Ani, thanking them for putting him to sleep. She said it was her pleasure, and that she hoped his schedule went smoothly today.

She said she had to work the next day, so she had to go to sleep. Being 14 hours behind was hard.

He was sad, but said goodbye, and wished her sweet dreams!


The next day, during Ani's lunch break, they texted each other, and Ani repeated the process. Chan fell asleep again.

The day after that, Chan returned the favor, singing to Ani, and putting HER to sleep.

The 14 hour time difference meant that they both could put each other to sleep, so this became like a little tradition between them. 

While putting each other to sleep, they learned important, top secret information... They both snored due to Rhinitis.

Chan thought that if they ever got married, they'd both need ear plugs, but it's whatever.

For weeks, they video called, watched movies, ate together. Chan even gave her a tour of the dorm, since the boys now knew of their friendship, and boy did they ship those two. She quickly became part of life to him.


A/N: I love this!! They're getting to know each other, and they have traditions now!?? Too sweet!!

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