5⭐ An Idol's Hope Pt. 2

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He wakes up after only sleeping 3 hours, thinking to himself...

It was a good 3 hours, I suppose.
I hope today's schedule is a bit slow. I'm so tired after promotions, and we have the Japanese comeback to plan, but I think I need a break.

I think I'll do an early and short Channie's room tonight, and go to sleep.
Meh, who am I kidding? I won't sleep, but I can at least not work. *shrugs shoulders*

After promotions, there had been pictorials, interviews and several video call events. SubK, Sound Wave, Nacific, and the only schedule today would be the My Music Taste video call event.

Anything that involved interacting with Stay was this favorite kind of schedule. He loves his fans.

Sure, some individual video calls and face-to-face fan meets did not go as expected, and a few fans were indeed inappropriate, but it wasn't the majority. He knew his fans loved him and the boys, so getting a chance to meet as many as possible brought him joy.

There had been 2 incidents recently, one with Felix and another with Hyunjin this time around, but for some reason, he had a really good feeling about MMT's event this afternoon.

There were 33 winners, and as he looked over at the roster of participants, he noticed lots of familiar names, but he saw there were a few first-timers.

This made him so happy!

He'd get to meet new Stays. One name caught his attention "Anichi".

They usually place the new fans at the start, so the boys could spend a bit more time with them, but for this one, he requested they place them last. Their name intrigued him.

Anichi Kimani Rodríguez, living in the U.S., but Puerto Rican.

How cool! An island person, like me. I bet that was a big adjustment.

Something tells him to Google Puerto Rico, and he makes a few notes in his roster to bring up at the call.

He finishes going through the whole roster, making a few notes on each, so he can be sure to make everyone feel special, and proceeds to get ready for the day.

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