28 👰🏾🤵🏻Consummātum est Pt. 3

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He had waited patiently for years. He was someone's husband now. He was thrilled beyond belief. This woman, whom from day one he knew would be his wife, was in his arms, and he would get to make love to her for the rest of his life.

He kissed her.

I am so lucky!

He brought her down at the foot of the bed, and caressed her face, looking lovingly into her eyes, with tears in his.

He was excited.

He was nervous.

He was shaking.

She noticed.

She took over.

He let her.

She kissed his hands, caressed his arms, kissed his cheeks, forehead, chin, neck, lips... He steadied himself, melting into her kiss, letting her take over.

She began unbuttoning his shirt, kissing each spot a button used to be on. As she started to reach the last button, she sat on the bed, kissing and unbuttoning... she stopped to study him and marvel at his beauty.

Christopher, I don't think you understand how unbelievably handsome, beautiful, sexy god-like you are!

She hugged him, he embraced her as well, putting his head on hers, then kissing her hair, forehead, cheeks, prompting her to stand up.

They kiss softly, her hands going underneath his shirt, caressing his back, squeezing him into a tight embrace, as their lips danced.

She broke the kiss and began removing his shirt, while caressing his skin as it became exposed.

His shirt dropped to the ground and she began kissing his neck, down to his clavicle, shoulder, arms, chest, licking his nipples. She moved behind him to kiss his neck and back while her hands explored his chest and stomach.

She once again moved in front of him, and without breaking their gaze, she undid his pants and softly cleared them out of the way, then focusing on his boxer-briefs.

She kissed his belly, and slowly slid her fingers behind the elastic sliding down, while kissing lower, lower and lower down his erection all the way to the tip.

Physics took care of the underwear, so she focused her attention on the "David" before her. Michaelangelo would have never imagined such a man!

She offered soft sucking kisses all around his erection, that based on Chris' moans, were arousing him quite a bit. She tried hiding her excitement, but her passion took over.

She began licking and sucking, enticed by the sounds he was making.

He grabbed her hair and moved it out of the way so he could see his length get buried in her mouth. She felt so good, but he prompted her to stand, as he wished to unwrap his present as well.

She stood up and hugged him, while he took the spaghetti straps off her shoulders, kissing her neck and chest.

As the slip slid down to the floor, she was left in only her thong, which would be left on, for now, along with the collar she was wearing.

It was time for him to take over once more, and he turned Anichi around so her back was pressed against his.

He began to kiss her neck and caress her breasts, rubbing her nipples with his whole hands in the process.

There were no words uttered other than I love you. This was the pinnacle of their expression of love towards each other. They focused on their energy together, feeling and sensing each other; letting their bodies communicate what they needed.

Chris took Anichi by the hand and walked her to the side of the bed this time, softly pressing on her shoulders letting her know to sit down. He then got behind her and gently pulled her to the center of the bed, laying her down softly on the pillow.

Now beside her, he once more caressed her breasts, then slowly made his way down between her legs, and he hummed when he realized how wet she was.

Using her own lubrication, he softly caressed her clitoris making her back arch, and her throat make a delicious squealing noise. She was ready for him.

He positioned himself above her, kissing her passionately, while working on her breasts. His lips began their descent down the center of her chest, her belly, and now to the one piece of clothing that remained between him and pure bliss.

He gently pulled it down her legs and waved it goodbye as he tossed it to the ground. He now let her feel the full weight of his body on hers and with his own legs prompted hers to open.

They looked at each other, kissed and he broke the wordless reverie asking her if she was okay, to which she said yes.

He began rubbing his length on her clitoris, drenching his penis with her juices. Little by little he inched towards her opening, and while continuously checking if she was okay, penetrated her, eliciting pleasure-filled groans from both of them.

He slowly began entering deeper and deeper until he was fully inside her, rhythmically pumping her, filling her up completely.

He felt so good!
She felt amazing!

The wait was well worth it for him.

She now wrapped her legs around his waist, Chris pumping harder and harder, a symphony of grunting and moaning accompanying every movement.
Chris then got on his knees, and pulled her knees to her chest, allowing him full access to her.

He began to pump faster and harder, reaching her G-Spot every time. He could feel her getting closer, so he took his thumb and began rubbing her clit at the same time he was filling her up.

Both were in pure heaven, and they sensed each other's climax arising.

Chris laid down on the bed, placing Ani on top of him, so she could move to her heart's desire. She slid him inside her and moved her hips back and forth, ensuring fiction with her clitoris, breaks bouncing up and down (a view he quickly grew addicted to).

She increased speed and they both forgot where they were, when they were and for a brief moment, who they were.

She collapsed into his chest and he quickly embraced and kissed her! She then moved to his side, putting her head on his chest and him wrapping his arms around her, but not before he covered both up in a warm blanket.

They laid there, blissfully oblivious to the world around them.


After they cleaned up, they ate some snacks and fell asleep.

Their first morning as husband and wife came straight out of a movie.

He stared at her as her eyes opened up.

Good morning, my lovely wife.

Good morning, my dear husband.

Want some breakfast?

Yes! After last night, I'm famished!

They ate breakfast together, hugged, cuddled and kissed. They swam in the pool, kissed some more, made love some more, and frankly forgot about everything outside that villa's walls.

It was the best honeymoon they could have asked for, and their marriage was fully and beautifully consummated.

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