6⭐ Connected, Pt. 2

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Chan leans closer to the camera, gaze full of love, with the same googly eyes he looks at the members with. He takes the opportunity to fully take in how unbelievably adorable Ani looks right now, after spilling their heart to him, covering their face with their hand, one eye closed, one eye slightly opened, peaking between their left index and middle finger.

Chan tells himself to hold it together, and decides to pay Anichi back for earlier. He breaks the silence and asks...

So... you're sorry?  He says with the most serious face he could muster.

Yeah, I apologize. I must sound like a delusional sasaeng. I promise I'm not. Ask the others, we had super basic conversations!!

He leans back on his chair, arms crossed, a semi-serious look in his eye, while saying...

So... Would you like to take that back? Is that not how you sincerely feel, or were you just fangirling? Do you not actually want to be my friend?

What? No! I mean, yes! I mean... ¡Ay, mi madre! ¿Qué es lo que está pasando aquí?

*He decides then and there that he's really gonna have to learn Spanish.*

Um... no, I would not take it back, because although it was unplanned, I just spilled my whole sincere heart to you. How do you do that!??

Do what? He scratches his head, not knowing what they're talking about.

Make people feel like they're this close to you? They say with little space between their index finger and their thumb. You do this in Chan's room, too. There are hundreds of thousands watching, but we still feel like we're hanging with our bestie. I know it's artificial. My mind knows, but... then again, I know you exist. You're a real human, and like Felix says, once I know you exist, and you're good, I can't help but love you... Agape and Philio love, yeah?

"They love me?". Chan's heart is about to burst. He has heard "I love you" from so many fans in the past 5 years, but those 6 words - "I can't help but love you"- somehow pierced his heart like none before. They focus back on Anichi.

There I go again. I'm such a dork!

Chan decided he needed to change the subject or he'd say something he really shouldn't. The fan just talked about Agape and Philio love. He considers the possibility that he's the delulu one, not Stay.

Anichi...*He looks at his papers* Kimani Rodríguez? Lovely name, by the way.

Thank you, it's Taíno and Afro. I'm Puerto Rican.

Beautiful, does it have a meaning?

Yes. Anichi= heart and Kimani means many things, but in my family, we go with nice.

"Nice heart"... it fits you, yeah?

I guess. They shyly say, scratching their head.

And you said you had a nickname?

Boy, I am Latin, we're all about nicknames! Haha! Ani, Ani-Kim, Ani-Kimani...

Haha, may I call you Ani?

Pshh! Of course! I already told you, you can call me whatever you want!

Under his breath, almost imperceivable, nodding his head, he says, Whatevah? Hmm... noted.

Ani: Huh?

Chan: What? Nothing. *clears throat* SO! He says a little too loud, Do you have a favorite SKZ song?

Do you have a favorite family member? Bruh... you can't ask me that? There are too many, and every single one is special. I can't choose. Don't make me. I do, however, have questions about Collision...

Yeah? What's what? He says tilting his head and smiling.

The brass intro... who the Felix Fudge Brownies thought of that? The moment I heard that, no lie, I started crying! Jazz? Jazz, Christopher Bahng Chan?? My God, y'all are versatile and your musicality drives me insane!!!!!

Chan can't help but giggle with pride, thinking to himself how their love of music was evident,  quickly answering the question, and explaining how the arrangement came to be.

The two talked about anything and everything, for what seemed like a few minutes.

All of a sudden, when Anichi yawned, Chan realized they'd been talking for over two hours, and this poor soul had stayed up until past sunrise, since he now saw sunlight in the background behind them.

Hey, Ani? Ani Kimani! *smiles*

Yes, Channie? Oh, I'm sorry I got too comfortable. Is it okay if I call you Channie?

Somersaults! His heart was doing somersaults when he heard his name on their lips.

Of course, you can! You can also call me whatever you want, love. Look... the sun has risen on your end. We just saw the sunrise together. Isn't that amazing?

OH! Don't you have to go do "Channie's room" in a little bit?

Nah, I'm taking a little break from that. Too busy. I sent a message on Bubble already.

"How else am I going to keep talking to you?" he thinks.

Really? I'm proud of you!! I am so happy to see you taking things off your plate. Don't get me wrong, you have no idea how Channie's room pretty much became my church on Sundays, and it got me through so much, but Stay know you love us, and we know you need time. We'll be okay. I'm proud of you, baybeee!!!

*raising an eyebrow* Baby?

No, no... Baybeee! Hehe. Not the same. Same vibe as Bruh.

He pouts for a split second, wishing they had really called him baby, and then he does the unthinkable.

Knowing he had that meeting with his manager, who'd sent him  5 text message sand called 3 times, against every single piece of training he'd received -AND GIVEN- at JYP throughout the years, fully aware that this is one hundred percent against protocol, but unable to stop himself, he says...

Listen, my manager keeps buzzing me. Can I call you later? Could I have your number?

He sees Ani shake their head in disbelief, and ask "You wanna do what now?"

Call you. You know, like friends... do? You said you wanted to be my friend. Is... is that still on the table, or did I ruin my chances? 

 is that still on the table, or did I ruin my chances? 

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Help! He's so whipped for Stay!! 🤣

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