9⭐ Friends, Pt. 1, Ani POV

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Ani was thankful Chan had seen her sincerity. She felt honored to become his friend and provide him with the same support he gave her for so long. She had started to feel more and more comfortable with the idea of just Chris as her friend, rather than Idol Chris, which was her goal. She wanted to SEE him, the person, not the idol. That was his job, not his whole being.

Chris, the man, to her, was amazing. The conversation never stopped flowing, and she felt so naturally comfortable with him. The image of BM and Somin's  "neck slice" moment came to her mind. The same vibe she has with Andréa! 

OMG, Andréa! This girl's been texting me all morning! I can't tell her everything that happened, though...

I know!  I'll show her the 7 video calls and then explain that I forgot to record the Zoom call with Chan, which BTW, let's delete right now, and erase from the Recycle Bin.

Anichi knew that if one wants a secret to not get out, the best strategy was to not tell a single soul. She loved Andréa, and all,  but that girl can't keep a secret to save her life. 

Bless her heart. Amén.

This is why she wanted Chan to keep calling from a private number, so she could, at any moment, say they were scam calls and texts.

At 34 yrs old, she was completely comfortable keeping secrets and understood the possible consequences of her friendship with THE Christopher Bahng Chan getting out.

She video called Andréa and filled her in on all the things. She played her the video calls, and tells her about the issue with Chan's.

Why am I not even surprised 

you forgot to record the Zoom? It's okay.

What do you remember? Let's write that down. 

Here, I'll open a doc and you can 

dictate everything you remember.

Ani smiled and proceeded to tell her about the zoom call. It was okay to tell her it lasted longer than usual, just not that it lasted two hours.

Andi was so happy for her friend! She'd been through so much. She just wanted to see her happy, and Ani was beaming!!

Girl! Chan wants you! I know it!!! 

That's why he wouldn't hang up!!

Ay, nena! Pack up your delulu!

He does not want me, and I do not want him! 

Like I said, I just wish I could give back the love they give us. That's all.

Ay nena! You never allow yourself to dream. 

One thing is for sure, Stray Kids really make you so happy. 

Your memory was so detailed, I feel like I was there. 

Maybe they're healing you! 

For that, I am eternally grateful to them!

Yeah. I think they are definitely helping, 

along with my treatment.

I'm so proud of you, Ani-Kimani!


Anis's phone vibrated, and she was sure it was Chan calling. She messaged him back, and told Andi that work was calling, and she needed to pick up the phone.

Okay, TTYL mi amorcito chulo de Andi!

Gosh, you're pure melaza!!! 

Yeah, but I'm YOUR melaza!

You're not wrong! I love you!

Love you, too! Bye-bye!


The scream she screamed when she saw Hyunjin instead of Chan on the screen! It was really nice seeing him again, but she wanted to talk to Chan. She had a plan to get him to sleep. After exchanging pleasantries with Hyunjin, they said their goodbyes, and got to work on "Operation Chan's Sleep".


She couldn't believe she was successful so quickly. He fell asleep in less than 10 minutes!!

He must've been so tired, poor baby! *pout* I hope he sleeps all 9 hours. That would make me so happy! 

Okay, time to do some laundry and watch some dramas! Whoo!!! 


A/N: The difference of where these two are... poor Chan! I hope no one gets their heart broken!

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