7⭐Beginnings Pt. 3

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Chris, had his normal Channie's room setup at his studio, where you could see his plate of food and see him. The charcoal gray sofa with several pillows sat behind him. However, he was now holding the black Spotify pillow on his lap.

He had turned the lights off, leaving only a few lamps on, like on that episode of Channie's Room where he played OT8 Red lights.

He had not changed out of his black Mahagrid hoodie and shorts, but he had removed his make up, making him look more adorable than ever! (Stayville did always love bare-faced Channie!)

He always complained about his supposedly small eyes, which to Anichi (and surely most of Stayville) were simply beautiful, and made him look like the cute boy next door everyone would crush on for years! His hair was beginning to curl up a bit, which Ani loved. Curly hair Chan is superior! Period. You can argue with the wall.

He was ethereal.

As they both got themselves set up to eat, Anichi truly felt like she was hanging out with her BFF. She was super comfortable in her own skin, Chan clearly has a way of making you feel comfortable.

Still, she couldn't help but go in and out of consciousness, like her soul escaping her body, looking back at herself, then returning to reality. It was a weird feeling. She often dreamt of this, and now it was happening. This surpassed all her understanding.

Each showed off their plates and marveled at each other's dishes, saying how yummy they looked.

Chan had Carbonara pasta with steak delivered with a bottle of water. 

Ani had leftovers from the previous night's dinner, Country Style pork loin ribs with potatoes, which were to die for

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Ani had leftovers from the previous night's dinner, Country Style pork loin ribs with potatoes, which were to die for. (Not for nothing, but the Puerto Rican ancestors often spoke to her. Anichi could cook!)

To drink, she had decided on a glass of Barefoot red Moscato wine (her favorite type) and cranberry juice, since it was still a little early, and water.

To drink, she had decided on a glass of Barefoot red Moscato wine (her favorite type) and cranberry juice, since it was still a little early, and water

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They were both very hungry, so they dug in saying "잘 먹겠습니다" [Thank you for this food].


These two really know how to eat! They're meat people, for sure! Hehe!

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