29 ⭐ Chan by Chance

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Eight months after the wedding, life had settled into a nice routine.

Ani moved to Korea with Chris, and they bought a house together in Seoul, near the office building where 3RE was located.

Chris would now go to sleep and wake up at decent times. He'd come home to Ani in the afternoons, call her during the day to check on her and hear her voice, and have regular lunch dates with her. It was now a rare event when he'd work late or skip a meal.

She liked kickboxing, so on Tuesdays they both would go together and have sparring lessons with a trainer, Andréa, who'd moved to Seoul a month prior, and her boyfriend Lee Know, every Tuesday afternoon.

On Friday nights, they'd have date night, and would go eat out, watch a movie, walk around Han River or go try to find their lock at Namsan tower.

The boys had ended their military service, and had begun to settle in at their respective roles in 3RE, and they were now in the process of signing talent. They did not have a shortage of applicants, since so many well-established artists decided to leave their big companies and work with 3Racha! They all had learned to pace themselves and wanted to share that with their artists. Their company values/motto being


[salam, yesulseong,
pumjil, mugyeolseong]
[people, artistry, quality, integrity]

Andrea and Ani trained as nurses in Korea, and were now licensed there and in the U.S. Ani kept teaching online, and working part time at a clinic near home, and Andi actually began working for 3racha Entertainment as their head nurse.

Everything was going smoothly until one day Anichi did not show up to her part time job. Unable to reach her, they called her husband, Chris, asking if she was okay.

He couldn't get ahold of her, so he rushed home, and when he arrived, he heard Anichi throwing up in the bathroom, and quickly ran to her aid. He let her job know she was very sick, and he would be taking her to the hospital.

In the E.R., after a few evaluations and a saline I.V. to rehydrate Ani, the doctor came into the room.

Dr: Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Bahng-Rodríguez.
How are you feeling Mrs. Bahng?

A: I'm feeling better, thank you. What is wrong with me, doctor? I feel like an alien has sucked all of my energy.

Dr: About that. Mr. Bahng, you might want to sit for this.

Mrs. Bahng, you're a nurse, so I'm not going to beat around the bush. We need to run one more test to make sure of my diagnosis.

A: Oh? What test is that?

Dr: An ultrasound.

A: What!? For real!!? She says with a smile.

BC: Ultrasound? Like with babies? He says wide-eyed.

Dr: Yes, sir. It seems like you might be having a baby. You are in your tenth week of gestation according to the blood work, but we'd like to conduct the ultrasound to make sure.

Now, we will quietly conduct the ultrasound. You will not hear or see anything. Once we've confirmed what exactly is going on, we will share the details with you, and give you options to move forward.

Please understand that false positives or non-viable pregnancies are a possibility, so we would like to hold the congratulations until we have confirmed a baby is actually on its way.

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