4 ⭐ Yhprum's Law Pt. 3

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Chan leans closer to the camera, gaze full of love, with the same googly eyes he looks at the members with.

Ani braces for impact, covering their face with their hand, one eye closed, one eye slightly opened, peaking between their left index and middle finger, thinking, That's it

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Ani braces for impact, covering their face with their hand, one eye closed, one eye slightly opened, peaking between their left index and middle finger, thinking, That's it. He thinks I'm completely delusional, about to ban me for life! Why did I say all that!?

Chan breaks the silence and asks...

So... you're sorry?

Yeah, I apologize. I must sound like a delusional sasaeng. I promise I'm not. Ask the others, we had super basic conversations!! Ani assures!

He leans back on his chair, arms crossed low, a semi-serious expression on his face.

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So... Would you like to take that back?
Is that not how you sincerely feel, or were you just fangirling?
Do you not actually
want to be my friend?

Ani, caught off guard...

What? No! I mean, yes! I mean...
¡Ay, mi madre! ¿Qué es lo que está pasando aquí?
Um... no, I would not take it back because although it was unplanned,
I just spilled my whole heart to you.
How do you do that!??

Do what?

Make people feel like they're this close to you. They say with little space between their index finger and their thumb.

You do this in Chan's room, too. There are hundreds of thousands watching, but we still feel like we're hanging with our bestie. I know it's artificial. My head knows, but... I then again, I know you exist. You're a real human, and like Felix says, once I know you exist, and you're good, I can't help but love you. Agape and Philio love, yeah?

There I go again. I'm such a dork!

Anichi...*looks at paper*
Kimani Rodríguez?
Lovely name, by the way.

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