6⭐ Connected, Pt. 1

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Chan asked Anichi to wait a few minutes, and he turned his camera off momentarily.

He returned dressed a bit more comfortably, with his signature hoodie and shorts.

So, Anichi, you waited for me an ungodly amount of time, graciously provided your own resources to make this call happen, and have been so nice to talk to.

If you're okay with it, I'd like to make up for all the inconvenience by staying a little longer, and having a nice chat, yeah?

Anichi just blinked, jaw dropped to the floor.

*Chan thinks* Gosh, they're so cute!

Seeing how speechless they were, he continued...

I mean, you did wait extra time for me after having waited for all the other calls, yeah? I'm actually now in my studio, on my personal computer, and I have no more schedules. 🎵I'm yours!🎵 *he sings, and giggles*

He looks dead straight at the camera, and hears Ani saying under their breath "Wow! I should really play the lottery!"

What do you mean?, Chan asks, carefully listening to their explanation.

"Well, you see, (Ani goes double speed again) usually group order managers..."

Chan does his best to keep up, thinking how they're just like Han when they get excited. *so cute* His ears perk up when he hears Ani say "¡Ay Dios mío, esto está de película, en serio!"

"They're bilingual?" He thinks.

You speak Spanish?

"I do!", Ani says proudly. It's my first language. I'm originally from the island of Puerto Rico.

Oh, reeealee? He says, with probing interest. (He knew, but Ani seemed excited to share this.)

¡Sí, señor! The land of "Despacito!" Hahaha!!

So cool! I've always wanted to learn Spanish. Maybe you could teach me?

I'd be honored, my kind sir!

Ani pauses, and looks to their upper right, in thought, and Chan studies them intentionally. "They're so cool!" His minds repeats over and over.

Ani explains how after a little deliberation, this whole situation makes perfect sense. He tilts his head in question, looking intently into the camera, hanging on every word Ani says.

Anichi smiles, and starts... Well, first of all, this is who you've shown Stay to be, consistently, for years. I mean, if you are "acting" like you're Stays' biggest fan, who truly loves us, you deserve an Oscar. 

Believe me, I've looked for inconsistencies. I 've searched for flaws. Now, you're not perfect, obviously, but you are consistently yourself. You're very giving of yourself - sometimes too much- *pointing at the screen*, and have a high sense of commitment and integrity. You've shown that to me today.

"I appreciate that. Thank you, Anichi", He says, trying to hide the fact that he felt like he was blushing hardcore right now.

Oh, you can call me Ani or whatever you want.

How about mine? He thinks, quickly shaking the thought. They're a fan, Chris! You just met them Calm! Calm down!

He refocuses and listens.

Also, before you have to go, I have to tell you that you and SKZ always arrive on time. Somehow, some way, either through song, a video, a message, a once-in-a-lifetime video call event, or an unmuted mic *wink*, you come through for us. Thank you.

His mind is blowing up. Gosh, they have a way with words! This is so nice!

He dares not interrupt, and continues to focus on Anichi.

Gosh! It feels so weird telling this to an artist thousands of miles away, whom I'll never meet, and I'm positive you've heard this before, but once I became aware of your existence, and learned your personalities, I became happy and sad at the same time.

*Chan frowns a little and tilts his head in wonder.* No, I don't believe I've heard anyone say this before. Can you explain?

Ani sighs with glossy, emotional eyes, that from Chan's perspective, communicated so much sincerity and warmth...

Because there are eight people, on the other side of the planet named  Jeongin, Seungmin, Felix, Han, Hyunjin, Changbin, Minho and Bahng Chan, whom I would love to be friends with -true friends- but I won't ever get the chance to.

He's touched. They've been successful in communicating their sincerity to Stay, or at least to this Stay.

He nods his head and looks down with a smile as Ani continues her ode.

You are all my kind of people, though if I'm being fully transparent, honestly, out of all eight, you are the one I gravitate to the most.

His eyes shoot up to the screen, and his heart skips a beat, his lungs suddenly forgetting their primary function. 

I love all of you, but you're the one I worry about the most. You're the one I wish I had on speed dial, to be able to check in on you, and see if you're okay, and listen to you vent about anything and everything, without judgment or fear, and just be there for you. *sigh*

He sighs with them.

Wow, I just said all that, out loud. I'm so sorry! I must sound like a sasaeng.

His mind is blown. He leans back on his chair, his hands crossed over his head, as an attempt to regain his bearings.

At the same time, Ani lowers theirs, burying their face in their hands, peeking through by separating their fingers.


His heart is beating a thousand beats per minute, his mind practically yelling "Christopher Bahng Chan, you're in sooo much trouble!"



Have you ever spoken to someone and from the get-go know your life won't ever be the same?

🎵"No turning back once we're connected."🎵

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