11⭐ Hello, this is JYP Entertainment

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A/N: *Trigger warning slight mention of trauma, due to toxic upbringing and slight mention of mental abuse in relationship.*

Stray Kids was about to attend two festivals in the US soon, and Chan begged Division 1 to let him and the boys leave early to "practice", and get acclimated to the time change, in order to be at their best condition.

They would announce they'd be leaving on June 15th, and their performances would be on July 26th and 27th.

"July 10th, 2023

Notice regarding Stray Kids' Schedule.

Hello, this is JYPE.

We announce a change in schedule for Stray Kids regarding their upcoming KCon performances in New York an L.A.

With the artists' best interests at heart, we have decided they'll arrive to the US 10 days in advance, in order to combat jet lag and practice. With that in mind, we are canceling their Korean schedules for the week of July 15th.

Notice regarding Bang Chan's Schedule.

We inform you that Stray Kids member and leader Bang Chan will be taking a few personal days to rest, prior to the July 15th departure date, and will not be traveling with the rest of the members on that day. He will join them in New York.

We thank you for respecting Bang Chan's privacy on this matter. JYPE will place our artists well-being as the highest priority, and we thank Stay for always supporting Bang Chan and Stray Kids!

Thank you."

By the time Stay read this message, Chris was already halfway to the U.S. There was a JYPE bodyguard that often served as a Chan body double, and he'd been going in and out of the company building following Chan's m schedule. Stay had no clue.

On one of the layovers, Chan received a beautiful gift. Anichi replied to his messages! He immediately asked if he could call her, and she agreed. He had her on speed dial!

Hi, Channie Bani Bobani banana bana bobani, *voice cracking* phe phi pho fanny, Channie... *breaks down crying*

OMG, Ani!! I am so relieved to hear your voice!! Are you okay? I called your work and they couldn't give me much information! Are... are you crying! Why are you crying???

Because I am so happy and thankful you didn't give up on me!! I am so sorry!!! *sniff, sniff*

She apologized for going dark like that, and proceeded to explain something only Andréa knew.

Anichi was recovering from trauma she had suffered when she was young. Her family was extremely toxic and abusive, which caused memory issues, as well as difficulty regulating emotions, once triggered.

She'd been getting better with treatment, but sadly, her ex decided that no wasn't an acceptable answer when she wouldn't get back with him. He knew her triggers, and used them well, out of spite.

He showed up at her work place to destabilize her, and in the argument, he'd grabbed and broken her phone. She was taken to the hospital to recover, so it took her almost a month to get back to her typical self, and get her phone fixed.

"Knowing you'd understand once I explained, I focused on getting better ASAP, so that I could return to you, and be the friend you need me to be, not a burden."

Chan had tears in his eyes. They were a mix of happy, relieved, and sad tears. He assured her that she was not a cross, but a tree to him, never a burden.

He asked her if she had seen the Bubble messages, and she had. She even responded and wrote in Community using Andrea's phone.

Fuck! I missed it!! He thought.

She asked him what that latest JYPE announcement was all about, and if he was okay.

He wasn't. He didn't tell her that. He would, eventually, just not now.

He instead told her that she inspired him to stop and smell the roses, so he was taking a few days for himself.

She was so proud of him!!!

I have to admit. I missed you terribly, Channie. I'll do better next time.

I missed you too, sweet girl!

You have no idea.

You scared me.

I'm so, so sorry. I scared me too. I'll never let anyone have such power over me that I lose myself so much.

Answering Chan's questions, she also told him that her ex was, and would stay, in jail for a while, and that he didn't know where she lived, so she was safe there. At work, she switched to teaching nursing online, so he wouldn't be a bother to her there either.

I'll kill him!! He muttered underneath his breath, low enough to be undetected by Ani.

An announcement came through the speaker indicating it was boarding time.

Chan told her he was going home to see Berry, and this gave Ani tremendous joy. She wished him a safe flight, and they hung up.


A/N: I'm so glad she didn't forget about him or ghost him, like I thought she was.

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