16 🧘🏻‍♂️ Normalcy Pt. 1

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The next morning, Ani and Channie find themselves all cuddled up. Ani wakes up first and looks at sleeping Chan, a sight all Stay also love to see, because then, they know he's resting.

She studies his face, and she strokes his hair whispering to herself...

Goodness, how are you so beautiful, friend!?"

She notices him begin to move, so she pretends to still be asleep... (he'd heard and felt everything).

He opened his eyes and the sight before him took his breath away. Knowing she was pretending to be asleep, he decided to be as bold as she was.

He caressed her face, tracing every facial feature with his fingers, eyebrows, cheeks, nose... lips... then, kissing her forehead, saying...

"How are you such a goddess?"

His voice was deep, soft and silky, and for the first time, her heart fluttered at his words, and his gentle touch, but she buried that feeling immediately.

She wiggled and stretched, opening her eyes and saying...

"I'm a descendant of the Ashanti kingdom! Bow to me, bicheeeeeesss!!!!! Hahaha!!!!!"

Yes, your majesty!
He bows his head, and laughs!

How did you sleep, sweet boy?

Like a baby!

Good! So did I.

So!!! What do we do for 3 days?

Hold you in my arms!

*actually says*
You said you needed groceries...

Yeah, I really do.

That! Let's do that!
(Grocery shopping
shopping with his
girlfriend were
personal goals)

Bro, how am I gonna go around a grocery store with YOU! You're gonna get caught. You're Christopher motherfucking Bahng Chan!

I am not... look.

He shows her that morning's Instagram post of him and Berry.

Omg, my life is a lie.

Listen, we sometimes have to bend the truth to get some sense of normalcy, and for our own safety.

No, this is valid, and I support it. I always wondered about this, and I am so glad y'all take these precautions.

Okay, let's go get groceries.

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