28 👰🏾🤵🏻Consummātum est Pt. 2

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He had not secured a honeymoon suite in a hotel. It was a honeymoon villa.

As they entered their villa, Anichi couldn't believe her eyes. It was beautiful!

It had been designed to mimic villas in Bali, and it was just serene! It even had a private pool. It looked like it was straight out of a movie!

Oh, Channie, this is beautiful!!!

You like it?

I love it! It's perfect!
It reminds me of life near the beach!

Yes! Exactly. Me too!!
It feels like home!

The villa had everything they needed: food, drink, privacy (no checking in at a front desk meant no fans recognizing them), a temperature controlled pool, hot tub, shower, and clothes. Once again Andréa had packed for Ani, and Chris had both her and his luggage delivered earlier that day.

Channie, can we take a shower?

Sure, princess, let's do that!

I love it when you call me princess. I hated it with every other man, but from you, I just feel like I'm allowed to be spoiled and loved. It doesn't feel condescending or degrading. Thank you for loving me. I don't think I'll ever stop thanking you for existing!

Everything with you just feels unique and special, even if it's the most mundane activity. My lovely wife. I can't wait to see forever with you.

If the guys would be here, they'd gag so hard!! LOLZ! We're so corny.

They giggle and head to the shower. It was a beautiful double shower with two hand-held shower heads, a rain shower head in the center, L.E.D. lights, a bench that one could lay and sleep on. It was beautiful!

They washed and rinsed each other's hair, kissing each other here and there, talking about nothing, washing each other's bodies, just enjoying each other's presence.
Without warning, Anichi's impulsive thoughts won, and she decided to splash water on Chan's face, and that made Chan's Christopher come out...

Ya!! Of course you know,
this means war.

Ani gave him a mischievous grin and said "Is that a promise, daddy?"

Chris tilted his head saying
"Hmm...Those are fighting words!
Are you sure about this, princess?"

Guess I'm gonna have to find out.
Bring it on, dear... master! She teased.

God, I'm easy! he says.

He pinned Ani to the shower wall, his hands grabbing hers above her head, his chest pressing on hers and his hardened length finding refuge between her legs.

He swallowed her mouth, as he pressed against her more and more, moving down to her neck and chest, gobbling her breasts making her moan!

He moved back up to her mouth, while one of his hands grabbed the shower head...

Baby girl, you asked for it.
Bend over, now!

His voice was commanding, animalistic almost. It made her vibrate with anticipation.

Yes, daddy.

She put her hands on the shower bench and he changed the shower head setting to pulse. He moves her towards the center of the shower, so she would warm water from the over head shower head, then pointed the water jets toward her ass, making her squirm in anticipation.

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