22 ⭐ Sybarite Rhapsody 🌶🌶🌶

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He sits her at the foot of the bed, and kneels in front of her, looking into her eyes.

He can't help but admire her.

He begins to caress her face, kiss her forehead, her cheeks, her neck and finally, without lifting his lips, sliding up from her neck, he traces her lips with his; his warm breath making her shiver.

She's patient.

She let's him take his time and not rush into into the kiss. He wasn't wrong. He certainly knew was he was doing, and was driving her crazy in the process!

He starts giving her small kisses from left to right of her bottom lip, then the same with her top lip, easing his way to a full, slow and sensual kiss; sucking her bottom and top lips, then inhaling her whole mouth in a delicious dance of lips and tongue.

He then gets on the bed, behind her, and tells her to move back so her whole body is on the bed. He wraps his legs around her, now her back on his chest.

He moves her hair and kisses the back of her neck ever so slowly, almost like a tickle, making sure she feels his breath on her skin.

Not a single word has been uttered, not a single word needs to be said.

He listens and pays attention to her reactions as confirmation to continue.

He wants to make her moan, beg, and scream with pleasure. There was no rush though, he took his time.

After making slow work of her neck, he moves on to her arms, kissing them slowly, focusing on the bend of her arm, her wrists, and her palms. Each time, she sighed deeper, with soft moans that drove him up the wall.

He placed his hands on each thigh, tracing his fingers upward, curling them under her shirt and stopping.

"If at any moment you want me to stop, let me know, and I will, no questions asked. Okay, sweet girl?"

Hmm... yes, daddy.

He loves being called that!

He slowly lifts up her top, exposing her breasts, and begins tracing every part of her back with his lips, and her stomach, chest and breasts with his fingers.

He puts her nipples between his thumb and index fingers, squeezing softly, pushing outward, making her moan...

Mmm... you like that, baby girl?

Yes, daddy.
I love it!

He rubs them with the palm of his hands, ever so softly, then putting more pressure little by little.

He licked his fingers, and rubbed her nipples again, making her back arch, as he kissed her neck at the same time.

After giving her breasts the attention they deserved, his hands now slid down her stomach to her inner thighs.

He slightly lifted her up; she was now sitting on his hardened member, and using his own legs, he opened hers up, giving him access to the center of her pleasure.

He teased her thighs, and tickled her pussy over her shorts in circular motions, then all fingers up and down, as if he were playing piano; every part of her pussy being stimulated.

He remembered everything she'd told him about how she liked to be touched, and then some. He knew exactly what to do, how do do it, and when to do it.

She was on a rocket to hyperspace, and she couldn't handle any more, she begged for him!

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