8⭐Some Enchanted Evening Pt. 2

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Okay, what's up?

I kind of did a thing.

What did you do?

Well, we ended up talking for 2 hours.

2???? Daebak! He whisper-shouts. 

Wow, hyung! The kids were right! 

That must have been super cool for them. 

That's pretty nice. You must have enjoyed the conversation. 

 They're gonna tease you so much!

Yeah, I know they will. That's why I'm talking to you in private.

Look. I took a picture of her. He says, smiling.

You WHAT????  Hyung? You broke the rules?

Weeeelll... I didn't exactly break them, but I didn't exactly follow them, either. I couldn't help myself, Hyunjin. I thought I'd never see her again, so I snapped a picture. Do you think that you could maybe... make a portrait of her?


Hyunjin, please... draw her for me! I beg you! Maybe not this specific picture, but her in a yellow top and blue jeans. I'll leave it to your imagination. For my room, please? It doesn't have to be big, either. It can be like 8x10 or something.

Ahh, Hyung! Jinjja??

Are you being serious right now?

Yes. Very. Please think about it. I'm gonna go wash up and get ready for bed.

Hyunjin couldn't grasp what had just happened. As he finished what he was doing, his mind interrupted him...  잠깐만, 잠깐만, 잠깐만, 잠깐만, 잠깐만! [wait x 5] Something's off here.

He's going to bed already? He's acting weird.

Hyunjin looked at the picture and continued to wonder if this was okay. Anichi was indeed very attractive, and the idea of painting her actually enticed him. Her body was nothing like the ones in Korea, so he was intrigued. On the other hand, a painting of a fan?

Maybe if I don't paint her face and change her actual outfit, no one will know it was her.

Without realizing it, he'd already agreed to paint her.

He then heard Bang Chan get out of the shower and into his room, he decided he'd let him know he'd do it, but then he'd have to explain it to the kids. He didn't like keeping secrets from them.

When he finished cleaning up his brushes for the night, he went to Chan's room. He didn't knock (nobody ever did), and as he opened the door, he heard Chan on the phone. He was smiling and red as a tomato. He was so distracted that Hyunjin was able to listen undetected for a bit. He couldn't quite make out what he was saying, but he was speaking in English with a sugary voice he frankly had never used on any of the members, including Felix or his own mom. Then, he heard the name "Ani" and his jaw fell to the floor.


걸렸어! [caught] 

뭐 해 지금? [What are you doing right now!?]

Hyunjin was so shocked, he even forgot his honorifics, and Chan was so flustered, he didn't even notice.

Hey, Ani, I'll call you right back. 

Hyunjin kind of needs something. Is that okay?

Ani agreed, and Chan hung up.

Hyunjin, listen...

말도 안 돼 형!!! [Unbelievable, hyung!]


Hyunjin is NOT having it! 

I can imagine his face right now, that disapproving face he makes!? 

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