28 🤵🏻👰🏾 Consummātum est Pt. 1

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She opened the box, and there was an outfit for her to change into

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She opened the box, and there was an outfit for her to change into. It was that little black dress she wore a year and a half prior for their 180 days virtual anniversary.

She looked at him surprised

You remembered?

How could I forget?
I never did see that dress in person, and I'm dying to see it on you!
Is it possible?


Ever since they began their classes 6 months prior, they hadn't had any sexual contact, phone sex or video sex with each other, and even prior to that, they had done many things, except to fully consumate their relationship.

Chan, was actually very traditional in the sense that he would wait until marriage for full coitus to occur. Masturbation, felatio and cunnilingus were ways to curve the desire, but he would definitely wait for his wife.

Anichi had no issues with this, and fully supported Chan's values. She could not complain. The man then took his time learning all about her body. He could make her cum almost by just looking at her. All was good!

Needless to say, the expectation for this night was very high.


She leaned closer to him and whispered...

"Anything for you, sire!"

The man got red in the face, but kept his composure.

She sat in front of him, with her back to him, asking for help unzipping her dress, and he did, but not without some kisses to the back of her neck, which he knew was an erogenous zone.

He whispered how much he loved her in her ear, making her giggle at the ticklish feeling.

She wiggled out of her wedding dress, handed him the black dress, and he slipped it on her with ease. His hands never left her body, though. He caressed her back and hips, feeling the texture of the soft fabric on the tips of his fingers.

He again kissed her neck, softly bit on her earlobe and whispered.

"I don't know that I can make it to our room, sweet girl! I've been imagining you in this dress for so long, it's driving me crazy."

You read my mind, sire.

She turned around on her knees, and the view was ten times better than what he remembered.

She knelt on her knees, with legs open, to where he could see her panties peek through.

Does the master like what he sees?

Oh, yes baby girl. I love it.

She placed her hands on the floor of the limo, behind her buttocks, presenting her chest to him.

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