5 ⭐ An Idol's Hope, Pt. 4

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Since everyone else was packed up, and it was clear the platform was not going to be helpful, he told the staff to tell Anichi he still would talk to them, but to please give staff a bit of time to find a solution. 

"I'm going back to the company, and we'll do this with my computer." 

Staff informs him of Anichi's idea of using Zoom instead, since the platform they were using was glitching so much. He was impressed and touched with the fan's willingness to not only wait, but to also provide solutions. He agreed with the plan, and asked staff to communicate all the details to him. He would connect as soon as he got to his studio. 

Staff member: But Mr. Bahng, you're contacting them by yourself? 

Yes, by myself! You all need to go eat dinner. You've worked hard. From what the members say, this could possibly be the sweetest Stay in the world. I'll be fine!! 

His gaze on his manager, I'll see you later for our short meeting about tomorrow's schedule. 

They all shrug and accept Chan's suggestions. He's not the leader for nothing! 

On the 10 minute ride back to the company, Chan received all the Zoom information, and made sure to let staff know they needed to keep Anichi updated of what was going on, so they knew they would get their call with Chan no matter what.

Upon arrival, he rushed to his studio and put in the information for Zoom, noticing Anichi's username "Chris' Banger". *giggles* Ah, Stay! What will I do with you!?

He requests access to the meeting room, and waits. 

Why am I so nervous? It's a video call, like the first 32. Why does this feel different?

Simultaneously, Felix calls, and he picks up, knowing his audio and video will be off, if he's let in, so he can talk for a sec. He sends a message to Ani in the chat, asking to give him a sec, due to the phone call. 

As he talks to Felix, he realizes the kids are with him, all curious about this call. 

What is going on, guys? 

Did you talk to them yet?

No, I'm waiting to be let into the room.

He hears some snickering from the kids, and finds it odd, but ignores it.

(What he didn't know is that the kids knew Anichi was Chan's type of person, and he was their bias. They knew he'd like them right away, so they were ready to tease him as son as he was done.)

<a reply from the chat comes in>
Okay. I'll let you in and wait. 

Chan replies a quick thank you, he's let in, and as the screen lights up, and Anichi's image becomes clear, he gasps and says to the guys on the phone "Oh, wooow, they're beautiful! and Anichi, their name!? Even the name is stunning! Not a single one of you told me!? Really? Really?" The kids all giggling and snorting on the phone. (They were right about their suspicions, and he hadn't even spoken with them yet. Their personality was just Chan's style.)

He said this with the same outraged intonation as when he found pineapple in his burger, the kids cackling at the other end of the phone.

*Aussie accent* No loyalty!  Oh my g-"

Suddenly, the Zoom microphone and camera icons caught the corner of his eye, and he instantly realizes his mic was not muted, but his camera was off. He opens his eyes as big as quarters, and has a small mental shutdown. 


He sounds a bit confused, like when the computer doesn't want to do what he wants during a live..."mwoya? wae? wae? wae?" and then, an embarrassed and high pitched whine "an dwaeeeee!".

He looks at his screen, Anichi is speechless, and just staring at the camera, as if the screen was frozen.

He hangs up on the boys without warning, and finally turns his camera on, clearly embarrassed, and asks with his trademark giggle and hands on his face...

*muffled* "Is.. is there any chance you didn't hear that?"

Please say no! *he thinks*

He sees Ani raise an eyebrow and confidently say "That I'm beautiful? "

"I'm, fucked!"  is all his mind can think of.

Are you trying to take that back? You obviously didn't mean for me to hear that, or did you?

*Chan tugging at his earlobes* Naur... I mean, I mean, I mean, I, I would never take that back. I would NEVAH... take. That. back!

*His brain screams* What the hell are you doing, Chris?

But as if he's on autopilot, unable to stop himself, he continues "You're, in fact, very beautiful. I just hope you're not offended. That was very unprofessional of me. I apologize."

He looks at Ani's very serious face; his heart in his throat, when he hears them say "Hmmm... I don't think so." 

Chan freezes in place with a stunned face.



I just KNOW he was so embarassed!

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