12⭐ Dropping Anchor, Ani POV

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Once the sappy welcome was finished,  she fixed him food, and watched him eat with a stupid grin on her face. 

Any Chan stan can confirm that seeing Chan eat well was a beautiful thing, and the fact that she was the one ensuring his nourishment, made her feel like she was finally caring for him the way she always wished she could. 

Once he was done eating, she watched him take his plate to the sink and wash it.

Aww, Bahng Chan best boi! She thought.

Then he turned around and leaned his back against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, just looking at Ani with a smile. She, however, changed her expression and was now looking at him with a stern look on her face…

Christopher Bang Chan! 

Hmm? (He got caught off guard)

What the hell are you doing here???? 

Umm… happy to see you, too? 

Boy, don't play! You're supposed to be with Berry or taking time for yourself. Not risking getting into a scandal!? What the fuck? 

Once reality had set in, she got really scared for Chan. He'd worked so hard, and though there was really nothing going on between them; they really were just friends, people didn't care about the truth. 

She has seen too many Kpop careers derailed because of unsubstantiated rumors and obsessed fans. 

She'd need to protect him. He'd gone on a limb to see her, she'll make sure nothing happens to him on her watch.

But how?

He was so smart to have dressed the way he did. Honestly, he didn't look like himself, since he was wearing colors!

*thinking* I have to admit, I really did think he was in Korea and couldn't believe he was here.

Ay, Ani, just enjoy the moment. Your friend is here. No one can recognize him inside your apartment. Chillax!

I can't believe I finally got to hug him and feed him!

All Ani would ever think about was to take care of her friend. She was so busy focusing on that, she never noticed the hearts in Chan's eyes.

Sleep!!! He needs to sleep!

I wonder what hotel he's staying at, I can call him, and sing to him like normal.

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