6⭐ Connected, Pt. 3

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Chan looks down, and then back up at the camera, expectation clear in his face, hoping they'll agree, his mind thinking ten thousand things at the same time.

In their best Changbin imitation of the Aussie expression, Ani says "Yeah, nah!!!" with a serious look on their face, and Chan couldn't believe what he'd just heard

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In their best Changbin imitation of the Aussie expression, Ani says "Yeah, nah!!!" with a serious look on their face, and Chan couldn't believe what he'd just heard. His face drops, but not because of disappointment, but because he was losing the battle to this wonderful, smart, kind, lovely, cute, funny, adorable, beautiful human, whom he did not know existed a few hours ago

Ani had misinterpreted his expression, and quickly tried to correct the wrong.

No, no, no... I kid, I kid, I'm kidding! Are you serious? No, I'd be honored, really? Wow!

So, I can have your number? He says batting his eyelashes, and biting his lower lip.

Um, yeah, yeah...

YEAH, CHRIS!! His mind screams. ⬇️*chan on the inside*

 ⬇️*chan on the inside*

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My number is 1-555-341-0143

143??? *Chan Raises an eyebrow.*

I swear, you have no idea how much my bestie Andréa and I squealed when your title song had bits of my phone number in it.

Chan: Maybe fated? He says staring deeply into the camera, then immediately thinking "Did I just say that!? Laying it on thick there, aren't we, Christopher?"

Ani: What?

Chan: What?

Ani: What did you s-

*clears throat again and cutting Ani off* Aaaanyways... I will call you as soon as I can. I promise.

Okay. Don't worry about me. I know you're super busy, so don't think I'm here all disappointed because you didn't call me in an hour or a day, or a week, or ever!!

*thinks* They're so considerate. Gahh!!!

Oh no... I will call you. I don't break my promises. I just need to go to this meeting, and come back. I actually have time off after the VC event. (*His mind* Lies! I just want to talk to you). So I'll just be fiddling in the studio.

You should be sleeping!

Says the person who just spent the whole night on a VC with me.

Uh... WORTH. IT!!!!!! 10 out of 10 recommend. 5/5 stars! *wink*

Chan: So cute! 👀 *thinks* Why am I like this? Cut it out, Chris!*

Ani: Huh? 👀

Chan: Aaaaanyways... I gotta go now. I'll call you later. Okay?

Yeah, sure. Have a productive meeting!

*Scratches back of neck* Yeah, thanks. Later gator.

After a while, crocodile!

See? See? None of the members do that! 

I'm so happy this accident happened!

Me too. More like a Maxident! Bahhhhh!!!!

Oh. My. God. You're punny like me!

Yup. Now go!!! Ka!!!! Karago!!!

Oooh! Nice Korean.

No, no, my Korean sucks.

Okay. GO, BRO!!!

OKAY, OKAY... Laterz!! Love you! 

*My God, Chris, why don't you propose while you're at it?*

Love you, too!

They both wave goodbye.

<You have left the meeting>

"Oh, my Gosh I almost did not make it!!! What am I even doing? They're a fan. Nothing more. Take deep breaths. You're just super excited to meet a new friend. That's all.  

But I told them I'd call. OMG! I said I'd CAAAAAAALL!!???? WHY DID I SAY I WOULD CALL!?????? 

And, and I got the number. Like... they WANT me to call them? Okay, okay... I need to get myself together. 

Let me text Ani, so they know I'm serious.


Our boy is crushing hardcore, but is Anichi on the same wavelength? 

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