9 🌶⭐ Friends Pt. 3

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Content warning: We're about to get spicy. This is mature content ahead. Not safe for work. (NSFW)


Regardless of the shipping, Chan never quite made his feelings evident, or rather, he did not directly confess his feelings to Anichi, because it was indeed evident to the boys that this man was falling deeper and deeper each day. 

The thing that helped Chan hide his feelings so well was that he truly felt that Anichi had become his best friend outside of the 7 men he'd spent the better part of his life with. Since she was his best friend, he was comfortable talking about everything and anything with her. 

There were just specific instances where his heart either burst out of love, out of jealousy, or out of lust. He lived on the other side of the world, however,  so he felt he had no right to lay claim to her heart. He kept things to himself, and concentrated his energy on getting to know as much about her as he possibly could. He needed to know everything, and he was patient. 

One day, they were watching a movie where the female protagonist was complaining to her best friend about her boyfriend being unable to satisfy her. She proceeded to talk to her bestie about the things the man did, and the things she wished he could do. 

Anichi bust out laughing calling bullshit on the whole scene.

Do you see this nonsense?
Christopher, don't you believe this shit! How much you bet this was written by a man? I guarantee he did not consult a single woman on set, including the actress saying this nonsense. 

She searches on IMDB and sure enough, it was an all male writing and production team.

Chan was so confused, and so he asked for clarification. 

What's so bad about the scene? She's saying she wishes the man were "bigger" and that he could ejaculate more quantity of semen, and that he didn't finish first.

Chris... do they not use the words dick or cum in Australia? You really went down "the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" route for no reason.

 (She loved that line, but she also loved teasing him with it).

Omg, do you love teasing
me with that! It's just...
this is not a conversation
I have regularly with women,
so I wanted to use
correct terms
to not offend you. 

That's sweet baby,
but have you forgotten?
I'm not some random woman,
I'm your friend.
You're my bestie.
We can talk freely
about any topic.
You don't need to tiptoe around me.
I'm grown!
I'm also a nurse, remember? 
Nothing you'll say will shock me.

Hehe, okay, I'll keep that in mind.
So what is your critique of the scene? 

Well, if I had written the scene, most of my complaints about men in bed, and that of my friends', for that matter, is that they don't listen, and they don't want to learn or take direction. I don't need a huge dick. I just need a man who's not one. I have also never heard of a woman who cared about how much cum a dude shot. That seems like a pissing contest among guys.

Good partners, male or female, should learn what feels good to that specific partner. Otherwise, they're just selfish! Men tend to generalize thinking that what worked for one woman works for all. 

So your biggest
complaint is listening? 

Yep, and being open to growth.
The arrogance is such a turn-off.  

I once dated a guy who insisted on pumping his finger straight in and out of my pussy, but that does NOTHING to me. Then, he swore his dick was enough. Nope again. My vagina is far from my clitoris, so I need clitoral stimulation, LOTS of clitoral stimulation before any penetration happens, and I will NOT come with penetration alone. It has to be both.

What women want, no... what women need is a partner who listens and is eager to please her, so they're willing to put their ego -and dick worship- aside and learn. THAT is what makes them kings in bed!

Oh! (is all Chris managed to say, because unbeknownst to Ani, Chris was having "a hard time" with this conversation.)

 Yep. Chris if you wanna be a bomb lover to a woman, or a man... to anyone, really - I don't mean to assign you a sexuality, sorry- learn their erogenous zones, what language to use to get them in the mood, etc. Cater to their needs, not only yours. Communicate!

Um... language? He asks. (He never dreamed he'd once be able to ever to be with her like that, but just in case, he was finna learn, just like she said!)

Yes, words that turn the partner on, or actions that help set the mood. 

I don't quite understand what you mean. (He understood, he was just now taking notes).

Um, well... let's see... for me, a massage helps tremendously. Also, kissing me on the back of the neck is so nice. 

Something that immediately turns me off is a man grabbing me, assuming that's going to all of a sudden make me bed him. I need sweet and loving foreplay.  

Did that answer your question? 

Yes, it did. Very interesting

Yeah, it is, if one's willing to learn, but if not, it's just weird and awkward and often, abusive. 

Chan was sure Ani would be happy with him, if ever the opportunity arose. 

What about you, Chan?
Are you aware of your likes and dislikes? That's so important! 

I am... I'm quite simple. I do like nice words and compliments. If you express you're happy with me, that goes a long way for me. 

Ah, so you like to know you're doing well. Do you struggle with communicating likes/dislikes in the moment?

I don't. I'm pretty comfortable with that.

Cool! That's important. 

A funny thing happened in the movie and they both laughed, and continued watching, without giving too much thought to the "out-of-the-ordinary" conversation they'd just had.

They proceeded to continue their sleep ritual. It was Chan's turn this time. 

Chan wasn't sleepy though, and the routine wasn't working. Ani asked what was wrong, and he said there was something he needed to take care of before he could go to sleep. It wouldn't take long, so he'd be going to sleep right after. 

Say less, my friend! I am hanging up, so you can finish. Message me when you're ready. 

Okay. Love ya!

Love ya, more!! 

*They hung up*



We're turning up the heat next...

Painting above by Georgia O-Keeffe.

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