21 ⭐🌶 Crescendo

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What are you doing here Christopher Bahng Chan??

I missed you. I had to say goodbye before I left.

She hugs him.

As if they had both been previously briefed as to how to conduct themselves on this, their last night together, they ate ramen, played video games, watched a movie, played more games... both deciding on their own, yet in unison, they'd make a good memory since they wouldn't see each other again in a long time. They couldn't be awkward and overthink their feelings.

They go to bed, but this time, they consciously cuddle each other to sleep.

In the morning, Ani wakes up first and whispers to herself "wow, I got used to this too quickly" she caresses his cheek, but I can't fall for you." She kisses his forehead and leaves the bed to take a shower.

They're both quiet as she exits the bathroom, and he also washed up.

He can't handle the quiet anymore and asked Ani what was wrong.

"Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind."

He looks into her eyes...

I'll miss you too, my Ani Bobani. He grabbed her in a tight embrace...



I love you.

Hehe, I love you too, darling!

No, you don't... I'm so sorry. I can't do this anymore.

Her heart sinks, not knowing what he means. What is it? She says looking at him with a concerned face.

He goes to sit down, not knowing how to get the words out. Perhaps he shouldn't... he's about to leave!

Christopher, what the heck is going on? Are you okay?

She sits next to her and grabs his face to gently move it towards her so he could look at her.

He grabs her hand, looking deeply into her eyes, yet again... doubt still in his mind...

I... oh gosh!! I think I'm in lo-

NOPE!!!! She interrupts him.

No, you're not. You're not.


Chris, no.

We spent a lot of time together and sometimes lines get blurred in the moment.

How many girlfriends have you had? How many women have you slept with on the same bed? Probably not many.

Go back to Korea and let's give it time. You'll probably come back to your senses.

Ani was really panicking, starts pacing...
thinking of all the reasons this wasn't love. Then, she asked all the Stayville saesang questions...

Look at Hyunlix and that dude from the Versace show and Hyunjin... what about the tabloids, Dispatch would destroy you for dating an older woman.


She kept going...


She wasn't listening.

Anichi Kimani Rodríguez!!

She froze.

Did... did you just raise your voice with my full government name?

Yes. I've been trying to get your attention. I didn't yell, though.

You didn't.

"It's just you and I, nobody else, and who cares about Dispatch and sasaengs? If Stay find out, they'll be happy for me. If they know me, they knew I'd most likely fall for someone older anyways. They call me daddy, for goodness sake!

"You've changed my life for the better... I am so deeply in love with you, Anichi. I can't hide it anymore, and judging by your reaction, I think you feel the same way, otherwise you wouldn't be panicking.

I know we're supposed to be best friends, and you think this is blurred lines, but honestly, I've loved you since day one, and if I had left for Korea without telling you, I might regret it forever. I never meant to deceive you. I just didn't feel like I had the right to shake up your heart and tie you into a long distance relationship. I'm sorry for being selfish like this.

Also, for your information, I am NOT inexperienced. I have had relationships and I have shared my bed with women, not many, becauee I'm picky as fuck, but I have. This isn't a crush!!!

He slowly approaches her... God, I want to kiss you so badly!! I've been wanting to kiss you since the first day I saw you on Zoom. I'm really sorry.

Her eyes opened wide at the realization... it never occurred to her that he'd like her, but now it all made sense, the comments under his breath, the blushing, the teasing from the kids... she looked at him and just blinked.

She sits down... I... I need to process this.

Take your time baby girl, but I do have to leave soon to not miss my flight. Hehe.

He walks closer to her; he is shaking, but he has decided to make his move. He's terrified of her possible rejection, but it was now or never.

Can I sit next to you?

She nods, looking at the floor.

Did you just call me baby girl????

Ha! *clears throat* Um... yes, I did.

Is that okay? Can you give me your hand?

She agrees and he softly kisses her hand.

He whispers in her ear "Sweet girl, I love you."
*grabs and kisses her other hand*

*whispers again "Baby girl, I need you"

*kisses her cheek, waiting for her response*

Whispers "Little girl, I want you!" *kisses the back of her neck*

He couldn't hold back anymore... he kept kissing her neck, softly speaking between kisses... Anichi, Kimani, Rodríguez, I love you, I need you, I want you, can I please kiss you?

At this point Ani was in a complete trance. She'd lost the battle. She couldn't hold herself back anymore either.

His phone chimed. They both stopped and read.

<flight canceled until tomorrow>

Oh, there is a God!

I love you, Anichi Kimani Rodríguez, with everything that I am.

Can I please make love to you!?

She snaps out of it... and stands up... Excuse you.

What did you call me earlier?
Baby girl?
What else?
Sweet girl?
Little girl?
Hmm... I like all of those, but that last one hits different.

Let's see what you've got, non-inexperienced one.

*She leans in and whispers in his ear*
Why don't you fuck me, daddy?

In his most Australian accent possible "Oh, my gosh, little girl, I love you sooo much! Come here!"

He picks her up and takes her to the bed.

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