10 ⭐ Hull Breach

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Things were going smoothly for a few more weeks; their interactions now being part of daily life routine, until Ani suddenly...

... dropped off the face of the earth.

Unlike her, she'd stopped responding to texts and calls, and she wasn't at work.

He had called, but they weren't authorized to tell him information on her whereabouts. They did, however, let him know she was okay.

Fuck! I have no other way to contact her, and she has no way of reaching me!! We need to change that! He thought.

Chris got scared, but there was no way to know what had happened, so he'd have to wait (patience was 100% NOT his strong suit! He sucked at waiting.)

All of a sudden, this beautiful ship had a pierced hull, and it was sinking fast.

Chris texted on Bubble how he was worried about a friend. They had lost contact with them, and they were worried. He was desperate.

The happiness, the regular sleep schedule, the full belly... all gone.

He was back to not sleeping or eating, and he had very little desire to do anything...

He had not realized how dependent on her he had grown to be.

"She'd be so mad if she saw me!"

He could hear her now...

"You must be happy first before you
can make anyone happy.
You must be healthy before you
let someone in your life."

He'd need to do better, for her, for himself! He decided he would!

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