18 ⭐ Normalcy?

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They started cooking together.

She's cutting the carrots, he's prepping the meat. They're singing along to her playlist, which has a TON of Stray Kids songs, some disco music, rock, and balads! They were having so much fun, and he helped her forget all about "what's his name".

They sat at the table, marveling at what they'd made together. Before them lay a feast of Bulgogi, japchae, kimchi, pickled raddish, cucumbers, and of course, rice.

Her heart was full!

He loved making her smile. He was addicted to her smile.

They ate, put away the leftovers for later, and sat in front of the TV. Chris got a call... it was Hyunjin.

"Hyung!!! Did you find her? Is she okay? Are you okay?"

He had forgotten to let them know.

Yeah, sorry. She's okay.
I'm putting you on speaker phone.
Ani, it's Hyunjin, saying hi.

Hi, Jinnie!!

HJ: "누나 뭐해요! 왜 그래? 괜찮아요? 어디 아파요?" [what are you doing sister? what's the matter? are you okay? Are you sick?]

Whoa, whoa, Jinnie,
괜찮아 걱정하지 마
[ I'm ok, don't worry!]

Chan looked at her with pride!

Look at you and
your Korean!!

Thank you!
I've been practicing!
She says grinning.

Hyunjin!! Versace!!!
You are high fashion royalty now! Congratulations!
I'm so proud of you!

HJ: "Thank you Nuna, but hey!
We were so worried. All 7 of us wanted to go with Chan-hyung looking for you, but he said no. Are you really okay?

I wasn't, but now I am.
Thank you!!
I'm so blessed to have you
all worrying about me.
I love you guys so much!

HJ: We love you, too, nuna!

A voice in the background yells, "but not one more than hyung!!!"

HJ: Ya!!!!! Shut up!

Haha! Yeah, I love him more
than I love you too, Han Jisung!!!

HJ to Han: Haha!! 실패!!! [Fail]

Han: Aww, Nuna!! He wines. You ok?

Chan: She's fine. Listen. I'm hanging up now.

HJ & Han: Ah, wae???

Chan: Because you annoy me, and we have plans.

Ani: We do?

Chan looks at her, and opens his eyes really big, saying "yes, remember??? We were going to that thing in an hour?"

Ani: Oh? Oh! Ohh!! Man! My swiss cheese brain! Yeah. That thing...
That's today?
I thought it was tomorrow.

Chan: Nope. Today.

Ani: Oh, I better go get ready then.
Bye guys! Love ya!!

"Love you nuna!" they say in unison.

Chan: Bye guys! See you in in NY!

Hsn: Okay hyung, be very careful, don't make me an unc- Chan hung up.

What was that about?

Nothing. They keep teasing
me about you being a girl.

Oh! They're so silly!
You couldn't possibly
like me like that!


*thinks* Please say no.
I can't handle a yes right now.

Umm... I mean... I suppose.
I honestly never say never.
I can't predict the future.
You're an amazing woman.
I think it would be stupid
of me to say I'd never fall for you.

Okay. That's a good answer. I guess it would be kind of crummy for you to say you'd never see me as a woman. I suppose I feel the same about you, but for me, it would be a scandal, since you're younger than I am.

A man dating an older woman is a badge of honor for you, for me, it's not exactly seen as favorable.

Yeah, who cares!
As long as two people
truly love each other,
and have a clear understanding
of themselves and each other,
age doesn't matter.

I agree... but...

At that moment, his alarm goes off reminding him he needs to go check in at his hotel.

Oh! The hotel!!
I need to go check in.
Wanna come with?

I don't know, Staville is scary!
I'm not sure it's a good idea.

But I don't wanna
go alone! he wines.

Ani can't resist the puppy eyes and the pout, so she agrees.

Yay! Bring your swimsuit!

They take an Uber to the hotel, and amazingly, the check-in process is extremely easy, and they were in Chan's room within 5 minutes.

The view was spectacular from the room. It was a spacious suite with two queen size beds, and a hot tub in front of the windows.

Wanna relax in the
tub for a while?

Hmm... sure!
Let me change.

After they both changed, they got in the hot tub. It felt so good, and both just melted into the water.

Suddenly, Ani's top loosened and she needed Chan's help to tighten it.

He took longer than he should have,, so as Ani felt his breath and hands on her neck, chills ran up and down her spine, all the way to between her legs. She could feel herself blushing.

What the heck Anichi? Cool it!!!, she thought to herself.

When Chan was done, she moved with a quickness that left Chan a bit confused.

You ok?

Yeah, just a bit embarrassed
that happened.

Ah, don't worry about it.

After the tub, they each took a quick shower to cool off, and they changed into robes.

Chan ordered room service, and they ate and hung out until Ani began to yawn.

Well, I guess I should head home.
I'm sleepy.

Stay overnight!?

But I only brought a change of underwear. I have no clothes!

You have shorts... wear my hoodie.

Fine. I have to be back to my apartment tomorrow to prepare my clothes for work, and you have to get ready for New York.

Yes, ma'am.

As usual, they have a great time just being together, and they each fall asleep in their own beds.

Chan, however, had a nightmare. Ani ran to his side, shushed him to sleep, and fell asleep next to him.

Once again, the sun highlights the silhouette of their bodies intertwined in a peaceful embrace.

Chan by ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now