16 🧘🏻‍♂️ Normalcy pt. 2

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They got to the supermarket, and from the outside, those two looked like newlyweds.

There was a sample table, and the sweet lady offering samples looked at them all giggly and asked them how long they'd been married.

Ani smiled and said "Oh no! He's my brother from another mother! A super good friend! Ain't he handsome, though? He's a great catch! These are delicious! Where do I find them?

The lady smiled and said "Aisle 8, sweetie".

As Ani walked away excited to go find the yum-yums, the lady looked at Chris with pity in her eyes and said...

"Oh, sweet boy. She has no clue, does she?"

Chris just shook his head no, and shrugs his shoulders.

She then tells him to give it time, be patient, and she'd catch on.

"There must be a reason she's closed off. She's silly with the 'brother from another mother' deal, bless her heart!"

He nodded, giggled and thanked her.

She's lucky! You look like such a good boy! Here, have another sample. He smiled, and went "Mmm!!" Delicious!

He waved and bowed.

She muttered to herself "Ah, young love! So sweet!" and kept offering samples.

Chris went to aisle 8 to find Anichi basically getting every flavor of the samples they'd just tried.


Hey!! Weren't these delicious? They'll make a great late night snack!

Yeah. They're super good!

Ani noticed a little melancholy in Chris' disposition, and asked what was up.

Nothing. Just thinking how
amazing it is to be here.
I haven't had this kind
of a break in so long.
It seems unreal.

Ah... yeah. That makes sense.
I'm glad you're having this
time to unwind.

Me too. So, what's next?

Well, we have all the dry and canned stuff, how about produce and meats next?

Sounds good!

They finished up their grocery list, with Ani picking up extra items to make Chan feel more at home, and they headed to the apartment.

After putting away the groceries Chan offered to cook for Ani. He'd make her a meal he normally makes for the kids. She was excited, and offered to help, but he refused.

No! Go wash up, and relax.
I've got this!!

Awww! Fine!!!!

She did as she was told.

After her shower, she went to the living room to watch some TV.

The living room faced the kitchen, so she could see Chan working in there. She kept wondering how this ever happened. How was it that 1 album purchase could lead to such a beautiful friendship!? "I'm so lucky!!" She thought to herself.

Every once in a while Chris would look back at Anichi and wonder the same thing. He counted himself among the luckiest men in the whole planet, and wondered how anyone could dare mistreat such a queen.

Ani's phone rang. She looked at the caller I.D., immediately paused the TV, and said "What the heck?", catching Chris' attention.

She picks up the phone with a very serious, but nervous voice...

"Hello, good afternoon detective. Is something wrong?"

Chris immediately stopped what he was doing, and sat beside Ani.

He studied her face, slowly growing more serious.

"Detective, just spit it out, please! What happened with Angel?" *silence* How do you know he won't ever bother me again? *silence* He what!? How? *silence* That jerk! *silence* Did they find who did it? *silence* Have you told his family? *silence* Okay. Thank you detective... for everything!

Ani hangs up and stays frozen just blinking into nothingness.

Ani, are you okay?

Ugh... I don't know.

What happened?


Your ex?


e's dead.

He's what!? How?

He got into an argument with someone,, a fight broke out, and he ended up dead. I don't know how to process this.

Chris puts his arm around her.

I can't imagine.
You must have a mix of emotions.

Yeah. On one end,
I'm relieved, but on the other,
I never wanted him to die.
I just wanted him out of my life.

Do they have any idea
how the fight broke out?

Someone tripped him,
he went on one of his rants,
and he got knocked out.

I'm sorry, Ani.

It's okay. I'll be okay.
Can I please help you cook
to get my mind off of things?

Sure. Do you know how
to julienne carrots?

Sir! Have you met me?

Hehe, okay. Come on...

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