19 ⭐ Caesura

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Ani woke up to Chan staring and smiling at her.

Good morning, beautiful!

Ani smiles and greets him back,

Good morning handsome!

They stare at each other for a while until Ani breaks the silence, clearing her throat, and breaking the embrace, standing up with with supersonic speed.

This is our last day.
What are we going to do?
Also, please go put on a shirt.
People can die cut by those abs. Hahaha!
(She's internally freaking out)

Funny! Um... I don't know.
Wanna go watch a movie?

Yes!!! How about an early morning show? No one will be there!!


They go watch the movie, Chris insists he'll get the tickets and the popcorn...

*Ani thinks*
This feels weird. Like a date. Why does this feel weird?

They go inside the theater and Chris goes to sit in the middle back seat.

*Ani thinks*
Again... like a date.

The vibe since the previous night has changed a bit. They seem to be tiptoeing around each other, and when their hands touched inside the popcorn tub, both felt their heart jump. Neither admitted it.

They went like this throughout the movie... trying to ignore each other's feelings.

*thinks* you haven't been with a man in a minute and you woke up in his arms, again this morning, no shirt. Of course you're going to be flustered, he's hot AF, but he's your friend. Don't confuse the line. He leaves tomorrow, and once that happens, all will become normal again.

*thinks* She doesn't see you as a man, calm the heck down Chris. It's too early, plus you leave tomorrow, and won't see her again until who knows when! It's not fair to confess and then leave. Get a grip!!

They spend the rest of the day doing their best to ignore the fact that they like each other. They did a pretty good job. Ani did not catch on to Chris' feelings, and Chris definitely had no clue about Ani's.

Ani returned to her apartment and Chris to his hotel.


The next day, Ani picked Chris up at the hotel, and dropped him off to catch his flight to New York.

They hugged, said their goodbyes and waved until they couldn't see each other anymore.

Both felt like crying, but they didn't let the tears fall until he sat at his airplane seat, and she sat in her car.

Fuck, I miss her.
Fuck, I miss him.

<Message from Chris>
I love you, Ani Bobani!

<Message from Ani>
I love you, too, Channie Bobani!

And just like that, they pulled the breaks on their feelings, like a caesura in a symphony, both pretending all was well. But nothing could be farther from the truth!

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