Context and Guide

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For privacy reasons I will be using acronyms for everybody or giving fake names, listed here.

P: Recent ex boyfriend
Duncan: the best guy friend I ever had/obsessive love
C: good guy friend
Ra: good irl friend
R: bad dude
Ca/N/S: current dude I'm talking to/possible crush
K: emotionally abusive ex crush/friend
G/Gorm: Ex's friend, totally not lover, b*tch...I mean "good person"
Alexa: good irl friend, a bit on the dangerous side though
Br: a "friend". I think we both know our friendship is fake but we both benefit from getting info from each other so we keep it up.
Ky: really good guy friend who's been sort of absent lately
W: sort of like Brooke except genuine. A guy friend

This list will be updated as I meet more people or forget to add someone.

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