Entry 51: Aug 15th

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Today was alright I guess. I keep letting myself get hurt by things S says. He keeps doing convo closers and it hurts. I made my online status a reference to our "favour vs favor" convo and he didn't even acknowledge it. And I even made my status afterwards hint at me going emotionally insane and not a single word! Dude is either blind or he doesn't care and maybe even both! He started to get a bit more conversational in regards to the game and my whole internet going out at 1am thing. So I didn't leave him sad at last. Or rather he didn't leave me sad. Oh S....you're something else.

SD noticed though. Thankfully. I told him my plan for both those statuses and he gave me reassurance. Not sure how long that'll last though. Our convo overall was same old same old. Nothing noteworthy. He doesn't like pineapple on pizza though. Or rather he doesn't like toppings. So ye.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Update: looking at my and S's convo again, it actually wasn't that bad at all. I was just overreacting. It felt bad at the time, but like it actually wasn't bad XD.

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