Entry 28: July 23rd

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Not a SINGLE message from him today. When I woke up he wasn't even online. I hope he's alright. He never said he was free on Sunday but I still feel a bit betrayed. I know I shouldn't expect anything from him but part of me feels like he would at least say something. But I'm going to be strong for the sake of our relationship. I'm sure he will give some sort of explanation. S is full of mixed signals. Perhaps he's also struggling with the age difference too.

Me and my mom drove to Walmart and Walgreens today. I made no mistakes! I was hoping to tell S about it. Oh well. My mom called me by my irl name today. It solidified my decision to call myself by in game name. I'm going to maybe rant to S about it. Regardless of whether or not he gets back to me by 6. He will find out my irl name in one of the stories I sent him anyways. And one of my Wattpad profiles has my name anyways.

Update: Just reread my July entries. Lots of spelling mistakes. I will fix them later. I forgot S mentioned he would read my work over the weekend. It's now Monday(3:41am) and like 11:41am for him. But maybe he responded. But based on how he was gone. Idk. It hurts tbh. I looked forward to him reading my work all week, and through the weekend, but nothing.... I swear if he doesn't apologize I'll be so mad. And one thing I didn't mention was that he said that listening to other peoples music is such a chore. I told him I understood how he felt, as I never truly finished P's playlist.

I feel really guilty about not replying back to SD(I've decided to call the dude I accidentally ghosted this) I should apologize. But is it too late?

Also it turns out the childhood fic I was reading is not the one I thought. The one I was thinking of doesn't have the first and third book anymore and only a little bit of book 2 remains. I'm glad I was able to read it though. It truly is good as I remembered.

OMG. Seb-as-stan! I'm a a Sebas-stan!

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