Entry 33: July 28th

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Today was a really good day! S apologized and even said himself what he said was a bit rude. He claimed he was tired. For the rest of our convo he was nice. He told me I could vent to him whenever I wanted. It was sweet. I'm glad I didn't explode on him. :))

My brother was at work and my parents were gone in Nevada visiting friends. I had the house to myself. It was fun! Since S's apology was in the morning I had a good mood all day! I was really happy today. It was a nice feeling. I hope tomorrow is just as good. I even have autumn some treats because she was a good kitty and didn't hiss at maizy today.

Later in the night me and a girl from the server who I wlll refer to as M talked. She ships it. She is absolutely in love with the idea that I consider S a bit of a daddy. We then talked about someone who got muted and I somehow ended up in a hang out app called "Here". M was pretty......crazy, it was hilarious. The person that got muted was there as well. I admitted I consider S a daddy(he knows who he is). And I asked him not to tell S. Hopefully he keeps his word.

Update: hmmm looking at his apology again, it's not as heartfelt as I remember. It gives me that same stomach hurt feeling. But he really did try today. He did say he was tired and a bit busy but did say that giving me a one word response was "a bit lame". Part of me feels like he didn't mean it but now that it's not just me and R shipping me and him, I gotta be strong and push down my hurt feelings. He really did try to be nicer today with no short responses.

10 mins later: I reread our convo from today. I sure do talk a lot....and he sure says short stuff in response. It hurts to simp on someone like him sometimes because while he did technically respond with something relevant unlike K, I can just go on and on..... but deep down, I know he's trying. If he didn't, he'd be saying "k lol" or "k" like K.

On a complete side note, I gotta ask S if the dude I mentioned before who got muted told him anything. Also I got another idea. I will come up with something similar as to what I wrote last night except it will be slightly different in terms of subject.

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