Entry 6: Nov 21st

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Yesterday I visited the grandpa with my family. I knew it would be his last full day alive. I could tell he was breathing his last breaths. I didn't say it aloud bc it was already depressing enough. When he struggled to breathe for a second, or maybe it was a cough, that's when I knew. Tonight after I used the restroom, I hear my parents come home. I knew where they went. My mom is waiting outside the door, "grandpa...passed away". I said "I'm sorry". I don't really feel sad? Not as sad as I was when I lost Duncan. Or when I got EBed by K. It is a shame. I wish I knew of his last words. Or if he was awake. I wish I saw him during those last moments. Oh well.

Other than that, I finished my essay. Good thing I did those quizzes yesterday I wouldn't have finished the essay or the quizzes in time. I've been prophetic lately. That tends to happen when I'm alone and have no one to talk to. Apparently the ability to predict the future stems from in tune emotions. I've definitely been aware of how I've felt lately.

I'm worried about my outline for my other history essay, as well as my grade in anthropology. But I'm determined to do well on that final project. I just need a 70% and I pass. Rn I'm at 67.7%. I surprisingly got a 11/15 on the discussion board, that helped a lot! Even though I kinda did it wrong.

Last night I started playing Lego Harry Potter on the DSi to 100% complete it. I found hopefully some correct strategies to help me make the millions I need easily.

Update: I 100%ed that game! Now it's onto years 5-7. It's a lot harder already. And I'm not used to the controls but I'm sure it'll pick up. Just need those multipliers!

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