Entry 15: July 10th

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Whooo my dad went back to work today! I was finally able to play on the Xbox. Though I didn't play much. My days have been filled with dislyte and discord. No word from the dude today, but he made a surprise appearance and completely obliterated some rando that was being sorta rude to a helper. Then he left. Then he came back to say hi to someone and apologize for not replying to the ping. He ignored my presence. Def came on too strong. I'll discuss it tomorrow (I say knowing dang well I won't). Someone had said something like "he left so quickly" and I said in return "always in our hearts". And everyone was like "huhhhhh?" Well not everyone but two sassy people. Someone, not gonna name names, sent a "gay" gif. They're definitely onto me! But hey, I don't like this dude, in that way, and I might not depending on his age and appearance! Sigh, I'm truly hopeless. I've been reading snape fanfic. Finished the one I've mentioned before. It's nice to be like "hey i remember that!". Hopefully this new dude remembers me. Ohhhh I'm jumping to conclusions. I WILL stay up til 6am for real this time. I fell asleep like a fool last night.

In other news, my mom bought movie theatre popcorn. It tastes just like it, texture, flavor and all. I came downstairs tonight because my college funds are due on Wednesday. The plan was to have my dad pay for it so I would have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow, but the card was at home so my mom said she'd take over. But a little snag hit. In order to pay there's a service fee of $168! That's too much, considering the price is $3800 for college. So even though I was about to be able to sleep in, in the morning, I have to wake up before 11 so my dad can make an account with his payment information. And on Wednesday, me and my mom are gonna drive to my uni but more details about when I'm waking up and leaving will be tomorrow. Right now the biggest concern is payment, rather than me knowing the route.

Update 30 mins later: Oh my gods, this new fanfic I'm reading is soooooo funny! The character has loads of inner monologues and the back and forth is so funny XD. I can't wait to tell someone about it. 6am let's go! Wish it was 5am like 2 years ago...but hey only like 4 more hours!

4:50am: I heard a cat making a disgruntled noise outside and now it's sadly meowing. It sounds like a meooow because the o in meow is more pronounced. "Meoooww". My hearts breaking in half poor lil things. I hope they're alright. It reminds me of the time I saw a cat outside while looking at the moon. It was scared of me but we chilled together and looked at the sky.

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