Entry 50: Aug 14th

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It's the 50th entry! Thank gods I have good news!

S was really kind today. He apologized for the whole dream thing. I said it was alright. He said that because it was so early in the morning he probably came off as rude. I'll give him that.

I got my AA degree today in the mail! I told SD and S about it. SD completely missed me saying it lol. And S asked what it was and then after I told him he was like "I forgot to say congrats after you told me what it was". He did a laughing facepalm emoji. He even apologized twice for it. It was rather sweet. We chat a bit about high schools and such. Comparing them. He called me by my online name today. Something he's never done. He was also like "what does it take to get a concept through your head" or something. Oh we also talked about food and what he does in his free time. Overall it was a good conversation. Good vibes all around.

On the SD side of things, we had a good convo today. The usual for him I suppose. He mentioned about subservience, and I had a perfect line for it, only to completely forget what it was the next second. It was definitely flirty though. Facepalm. Keep my eyes on the British prize me!

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