Entry 37: Aug 1st

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I didn't get any sleep the previous night so driving felt almost impossible. I'm actually writing this the next day because I went to bed at like 2. And woke up at 2pm. I only made one mistake while driving so that's good! My dad got late from dropping my something off at Home Depot so we didn't start the lesson til 11:30am rather than 11.

As for S, since I wasn't there at 6 we didn't have our chats. But he did talk to me for a bit during the afternoon. He even told me a super duper "tip" about a character that's coming to a game we play that I really want in game. I'm honestly incredibly honored and flattered he did that. It was super sweet and it proves me internal theory that his actions speak louder than his words. And the fact he trusted me with it as well, that's so nice of him! I should probably tell him I really appreciate it!

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