Entry 34: July 29th

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I told S about one of my biggest insecurities in my 6am message today. I wasn't expecting as big of a response as I did but he sent loads of messages! 6 of them! Although now that I think about it, I think he deleted one or two of them. Maybe I should call him out on that! >:). He said a whole bunch of things that made sense and they comforted me. They were super long messages too. My love for S has been reassured bc of it. He's amazing. Ofc M ships me and him like always. I am beginning to ship it too.

I have an evil plan today. For my 6am message I'm gonna call him out on his "deep voice" he mentioned having. I'm going to ask him if he can (in general, not asking) replicate Snape's voice since he's also British. He doesn't like Snape so I think this will be fun to use against him.

Apparently M invited some other person from the server into the "Here" group chat app thing. But I didn't get the chance to talk to him. The other original dude had to leave early bc he needed to sleep since he has work. He reminds me sooooo much of Duncan. It's sad.

Anyways sadness aside I can't wait to mess with S today! It's gonna be a nice change of pace. I also mention the original dude to S in that 6am message and he at first was confused and I confirmed it was the same dude. He didn't respond, so he must've been busy today or forgot to hit send. It's alright :)) he did this last Saturday/Sunday too.

5:09am: I'm genuinely so excited for 6am! Time has passed by so slowly tonight! I can't wait to tease him >:)) He's gonna hate me but I'll make sure he knows I mean no harm! He's my best friend! I love him! Ok he's not my best best friend but he's up there! He's so kind! :)))))

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