Entry 5: Nov 21st

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Nothing exciting happened during the day. Watched some museum videos and played dreamlight valley. But later at night my mom comes in and says that my dad found a kitten in the transmission. A few hours later it's at home and it's super cute and soft. Poor little thing was cold and hungry. We are gonna take care of it for awhile but still unsure of whether to keep it. Autumn was very angry. Hissing and she even growled! It's a kitten autumn! She is truly like me; very jealous. I'll make sure to give autumn lots of love to make up for it. But I'll always give the kitty some love too. I feel bad for it. It got taken away from it's family, that's why I almost want it to be returned. But it is very dangerous in that area with wild coyotes...we will see what happens.

Told everyone I wanted to about it on discord today. And by the time I went back upstairs my wifi and data were long gone. So I tried sending pics and a message to P but it didn't send, didn't even try. Not sure if it's bc the wifi is out or not tbh. I did try to send it when it was on, but even when I turned everything off, which usually works, it didn't. I think he blocked me. Gonna have to tell C about it tomorrow when I wake up...honestly can't believe it tbh. Idk what I did, to him and G. I thought maybe I slept called them but there's no proof and I don't have wifi til 6 and I'm usually fast asleep at that time. *shrug*. Alright just tried sending messages, they all went through....but I can't send pics at all! (5 mins later) Update, I was able to send pics. I can't send more than one, in one go, but I can send them individually and with a message but not multiple.

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