An Interesting Idea : Jan 25th, 2024

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So I was reading someone else's journal/diary from way back in 2017 and they did a daily question/prompt to answer. I'm thinking of trying that myself. Since it's the end of the month, I'm just gonna do random questions from ChatGPT til Feb 1st starts. That being said, the first question is:

"Describe a moment from your past that, upon reflection, taught you a valuable life lesson."

I think the most memorable moment from my past that taught me a valuable lesson was when I accidentally worsened a friendship I had with K. Me and him were in a discussion about why he's bad at complimenting people, and he said it was because of his parents death and not being raised properly. I...made the mistake of saying it was irrelevant. I believed that he could've easily learned how to compliment someone, especially because he had mentioned how his friend (who would end up being his girlfriend) had been like a mother to him. Unfortunately his response was obviously not positive and despite thinking this was a very chill conversation, it was much more serious. I got blocked because of it for a few days. Ever since then, I've always made sure to respect peoples past and personality and to take it seriously.

In the end, that discussion really didn't matter, I still got deeply hurt by him and I know that, that whole conversation really was the catalyst. Never again. Never will something like that happen again.


Well, that was quite a sad start to this little endeavor. Oh well. Hopefully day 2 will be better!

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