Entry 12: July 7th

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I don't even know what he looks like, or his age, why am I so fascinated by him? I came to the conclusion that he reminds me of the good ole Kendall days. He is truly a good person at heart. Anyways, today I felt super sick when I woke up: all because of a migraine. Thankfully I didn't have to drive anywhere today and I won't have to do it tomorrow. Karma was kind but also cruel to me today but I expected nothing less. Took some advil and slept for a bit, and despite feeling sort of sick when I eat, the headache is completely gone and I am fine otherwise.

I keep forgetting to message an old guy friend. We hadn't spoken since the ex incidents and I feel bad. But he said back then that he understands any silences. Well now is the time to get back before I become busy again!

In other news I've been trying to find the best Snape x someone's oc fanfic on Wattpad but I think the person archived it. I did find other classics but I wish I could remember the name of the og good good GOOD one. I'm actually reading one as I type and it's so cheesy but I think that's what I liked about them.

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