Entry 9: Dec 2nd

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My mom was gone most of the day at her work (it was an Xmas Party). It was nice having it all be nice and quite. Even got some homework done before 10pm. The biggest part of my day however was making sure Autumn and Mazy didn't kill each other. Autumn chased Mazy around the house after she saw Mazy on her(Autumn's own) tower. Poor Mazy hid under furniture and behind it trying to avoid autumn swatting at her. I did my best to get them to stop and somehow my harsh "No" did the trick. It was at the living room, in front of the Xmas tree. Then Mazy went back to her room and ate more food, and Autumn just watched from afar. But no more chasing! At least for today. C messaged me, but I didn't check the message; he failed me. Duncan is still nowhere to be found and I noticed I've been sighing sadly a lot. I think out of stress and sadness with everything that's been happening, but seeing an MC Esher reference in the newest wiz world "Novus" was definitely super fun and brought me some joy. They also have his infamous cubes, going up or down as a pathway to the entrance. And I think even the infinite water artwork too! But yea, that's really it.

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