Entry 22: July 17th

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Me and S (S is the new nickname I've come up for the British dude) talked some more today! He unfortunately doesn't know his birth time and said he'd have to ask his "mum", classic British dude. Me and him also bantered back and forth a bit. I'm hanging out with Ra today/tomorrow and I'm excited to tell her all about S. She'll probably chastise me about liking dudes, especially an older one after what happened with R but it is what it is. I called S by an affectionate nickname with -poo at the end and he was like "I'm a grown ass man what are you thinking?" I think he was jokingly yelling, it made me laugh anyways. I told him that after I called him his nickname with a -y at the end I had to add the -poo part as well. Am I totally flipping the dynamic by giving him baby names? Yes. Do I love it? Hell yea. I haven't fallen for the dude or anything but he is fun to talk too! Also I was totally sassy for no reason in my last message, I wonder what he'll think. I like being sassy to him bc he usually gives it back. Makes for a fun conversation/dynamic. Unfortunately I have to wait til 6am to see what he said bc my wifi went out as scheduled before he could reply back. He's awesome. But I feel like he might know that I might have a crush on him. I didn't ask him the question of daddy or not, I'm too scared of rejection and I don't think our friendship is strong enough for that (rejection) yet. But at least I gave him another mystery to unravel. The dudes smart as heck sooo we will see what happens :)).

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