Entry 30: July 25th

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S wrote sooooo much when I woke up. To literally everything I said. He mentioned how he apologizes for not responding more out of respect than "purely out of guilt" or something.

In other news, I told S this morning that I genuinely think he's one of the most amazing kindest persons I've ever met. He said it was very sweet. I also in reaction letter asked for a headpat. "Headpat me?" I don't think he got it. Or he did and wanted me to admit it. I'm going to tell him that at 6am when I don't feel apprehensive. I'm going to mention how I don't know why I feel so open in the morning. I'm going to ask him for advice on what to do with SD. In my head I tell myself "I love him" but I only feel it when he says certain things. I wonder if he knows. I hope me saying all this won't confuse him too much. And part of me hopes he will headpat me. I think I'm going to ramble on to him this morning about stuff. I wonder if asking him to give me advice is too much? I think so. I hope 6am doesn't chicken out. I'll apologize for my weird behavior.

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