Entry 63: Sep 2nd

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Unfortunately I was too tired to write down entries from my week. Last week was my first week of uni. It's going to be pretty boring. Driving on the freeway is fun though. Speeding down, changing lanes, it's all good fun.

As for S, he was pretty nice to me this week, and hung out and chat with me in the mornings. On Monday I had forgotten my wallet in the car and he made fun of me for that. Well he makes fun of me a lot.

At first it was sort of hurtful but I talked to SD and he said that, he has a friend like that, but he knows that his friend has his best interests at heart. I know S has my best interests at heart. He's a kind and caring dude. He helped me see S in a whole new light.

However, S did forget to message me back one day. He did apologize but I don't think it was genuine at all XD. It's all good though. I'm not one to talk.

Me and S have had pleasant conversations. My feelings for him have definitely resurfaced again.

As for SD, my feelings for him have also grown. He's been joining the vcs and me and him have talked one on one in them.

P wants to chat and he messaged me on like Sunday asking to chat, I still haven't responded back and it's been a week. I will respond to him tomorrow. Hopefully.

As for today, SD had work today. Me and S chat about whether M had been banned. Then he asked how I'm doing in general and I told him about my day. He was like: "what sort of life do you lead?" Or something. My life isn't even that crazy compared to others.

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